>> Princess Enchanted Tales: Follow Your Dreams Special Edition (2009)

Title: Princess Enchanted Tales: Follow Your Dreams Special Edition

Genre: Animation, Family, Kids

Starring: Corey Burton, Erin Torpey, Gilbert Gottfried

Director: David Block

Studio: Walt Disney

Runtime: 56 minutes

Release Date: September 8, 2009

Format: DVD

Discs: 2

MPAA Rating: G

Rating: 4.20 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A

Bonus Features

Aurora Dress Up Game, Find Sahara Game, Belle Music Video

“Follow Your Dreams” offers two tales from two different Disney Princesses. First Aurora is left in charge of the kingdom. She learns taking the easy way out isn’t always as easy as it seems and it feels better to do things for yourself. Then Jasmine grows tired of posing for paintings and waving to the crowds. Her father gives her a job teaching; but she is unable to get the children to listen and behave so she is ready to give up. But when she has to find a missing horse she learns not to give up and discovers that you have to stick with things.

The stories are somewhat short; but cute nonetheless. There are songs and dancing all while the Princesses help teach the value of working hard and never giving up. The bonus features and the bonus disc are good for both young and older audiences. Music videos and games are perfect for your little princess while Disney fans of all ages will enjoy the sneak peek of “The Princess And The Frog”.


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