>> Red Riding (2010)

Title: Red Riding

Genre: Drama

Starring: Andrew Garfield, David Morrissey, Sean Bean, Paddy Considine, John Henshaw, Lisa Howard, Chris Walker

Director: Julian Jarrold, Anand Tucker, James Marsh

Studio: IFC Independent Film

Runtime: 308 minutes

Release Date: August 31, 2010

Format: DVD

Discs: 3

MPAA Rating: NR

Rating: 4.50 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A+

Official Site

"Red Riding" is  three-film series based on David Peace's novels that spans nine years worth of kidnappings, murder, police corruption, and general unpleasantness in Yorkshire, England (i.e., The Yorkshire Ripper case). The three films are "1974," "1980," and "1983."  Each film has a separate director and can stand on its own merit as a solid piece, but each film builds on the next. Believe me, you don't want to miss any details.

"1974" features Eddie Dunford (Andrew Garfield), reporter for the Yorkshire Post, who suspects that the current child abductions are being committed by the same person and may possibly be linked to others that have happened in previous years. Eddie is so certain that he knows the truth and is willing to expose those responsible; at any cost.

"1980" revolves around lead investigator Peter Hunter (Paddy Considine) who is called in by the West Yorkshire Constabulary to investigate the unsolved murders that occur in the first movie. Peter finds more than he bargains for in uncovering possible police involvement and extensive cover ups.

"1983" is the final installment starring Mark Addy as John Piggott,  public solicitor, who gets pulled into this underworld by representing a wrongfully accused man (from "1974") at the request of the man's mother. Piggot discovers that the man is mentally-challenged and was coerced into confessing the kidnappings and murder of three little girls. "1983" is full of flashbacks tying all three films together and exposing the roles everyone had to play in these awful crimes. Let's just say no one gets out of this unscathed, living or not.

Brilliantly woven together, this five-hour feature is not a film you want to half-watch while doing the laundry because you will miss important clues along the way. Paying attention is a must. Andrew Garfield (our new Peter Parker) is amazing and more than capable of being the new Spidey. Sean Bean, Warren Clarke, David Morrissey....I guess it's true that you don't know how good an actor really is until he plays a raging dirtbag.

Well-worth five hours of your time, you will not be disappointed. David Thomson of The New York Review of Books said that "Red Riding" is "better than the 'The Godfather'" and I am inclined to agree.

Definitely an A+.



Complete Series

If you own a Netflix subscription you can watch the entire trilogy on their Watch It Now feature. I highly suggest.

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