>> Splice (BLU-RAY) (2010)

Title: Splice

Edition: Blu-Ray+DVD+Digital Copy

Genre: Sci-Fi

Starring: Adrien Brody, Sarah Polley, Delphine Chaneac

Director: Vincenzo Natali

Studio: Warner Home Video

Runtime: 104 Minutes

Release Date: October 5, 2010

Format: BLU-RAY

Discs: 2

MPAA Rating: R

Rating: 3.50 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B+

Official Site


The poster above Clive and Elsa's bed at home says "They're coming!" in Japanese. ~IMDB

Vincenzo Natali’s (Cube) Splice was a box office flop that failed to capture the majority of audiences while it ran in theaters. I loved this film. Its not a neat little package with cute twenty something’s playing teenagers who are coming to terms with some mystical abilities they’ve discovered and falling in love or some reboot or remake. What you get in Splice is a very human story that encompasses not just the people in the film but the whole of humanity. Our inability to stop when we’ve achieved some form of success without desperately trying to claw our way those extra few feet to something better. It peels back the flesh and exposes the core of what humanity has become and the atrocities were willing to commit on behalf of ourselves as individuals and as a species. It’s a shame that Splice did not become the hit it should have been in theaters, especially after so many people have complained about Hollywood’s complete lack of originality, lets face it were importing anything great these days anyway. If you skipped out on it in theaters do yourself a favor and get yourself a copy.

Honestly it’s a tough sell, this one. The first ten-fifteen minutes or so of the film seem like you got stuck with a lemon because of all the harsh lighting that throws off skin pigmentation, the greenish blue hue over everything, and even some of the exterior scenes have a bit of grain the sky. Amazingly as the film continues on and we’ve moved away from the horrific glare of laboratory lights the texture, organic colors, sharpness, everything just comes together. There are still some wide out shots that look a little less focused, especially a few night scenes, but all together the transfer is pretty great. Is the imbalance of picture quality really just what I like to call The Twelfth Man; Picture texture designed to act as a player in the storytelling of the film, or is just too tough to clean these area’s of the film to reach the standard we find in a majority of the film? That’s your call. In any case you won’t be disappointed with the look of this BD. Audio quality is a DTS-HD MA 5.1 and its solid. The films ambiance uses quite a bit of that silent then loud tactic to send shivers down the viewers spine but the mix is works well, especially in Dren’s younger days as a squealing little life form.

The only bonus feature we find is A Directors Playground: Vincenzo Natali On The Set Of Splice. Its about 35 minutes and is a behind the scenes featurette that is interesting to watch at least once but nothing that’s going demand any repeat viewings. Really wish they would have included more as Splice really is a fantastic film with a lot of depth.



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