>> Spread (BLU-RAY) (2009)

Title: Spread

Edition: BLU-RAY

Genre: Drama

Starring: Ashton Kutcher, Anne Heche, Margarita Levieva, Sebastian Stan

Director: David Mckenzie

Studio: Starz / Anchor Bay

Runtime: 97 Minutes

Release Date: November 10, 2009

Format: BLU-RAY

Discs: 2

MPAA Rating: R

Rating: 3.95 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A

Official Site

Nikki came to L.A. with the dream of driving a noisy yellow sports car, living in a mansion, and sleeping with hundreds of beautiful women. This is the dream of thousands as they pour in bright eyed and hopefully. More then half of them never stay around long enough to see that dream come true, shuffling out of the city with their heads hung low in shame at the things they’ve done that produced nothing, but not Nikki. Nikki’s living the dream, or so he thought.

Spread is like a cable film you’d find on late night Cinemax only with familiar faces who are above taking these kind of parts and not yet so low they’d need to. Why they did is obvious. Despite the film being about totally hedonistic and shallow people, pretty much L.A. if you believe the film, there is a story and a good one. Kutcher is fine in his role but not perfect as his dialogue delivery is often times forced but he proves to be the ultimate gigolo in the film who you laugh with, hate, and ultimately conclude your journey with feeling sympathetic yet glad. Despite the film having a super Hard R rating its worth keeping in the collection.

I’ve seen better picture in BD before but Spread doesn’t fail at offering up great definition and color. Sound quality is fantastic coming in using Dolby TrueHD 7.1 which puts the noisy streets of L.A in your living room regardless of where you live.

*Living the Dream - The Making of Spread
*The World According to Nikki (Is this Kutcher in character or not?)
*Behind the Scenes With Ashton Kutcher
*Audio Commentary with Actor/Producer Ashton Kutcher and Actors Anne Heche and Margarita Levieva

~Not mentioned on the back of the BD case is a picture in picture feature that you can watch while watching the film which talks about L.A. and how the film was shot. Pretty cool feature. The film also comes with a digital copy.



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