>> Swamp Devil (2009)

Title: Swamp Devil

Genre: Horror, Suspense

Starring: Bruce Dern, Nicolas Wright

Director: David Winning

Studio: Genius Products

Runtime: 90 mins

Release Date: April 7, 2009

Format: DVD

Discs: 1

MPAA Rating: NR

Rating: 0.80 (out of 4.00)

Grade: D-

Looking for that sci-fi/horror movie that will be just right next to Mansquito? Your copy of Carnosaur 2 gettin’ lonely on your shelf? Step right up ladies and germs, I’ve got just the film for you! I humbly present SWAMP DEVIL.

Yes, this gem is jam-packed with all the trademarks you’ve come to expect from low budget efforts that only air on the Sci Fi Channel (excuse me, SyFy): paper thin plot, retarded creature, horrible special effects, and (given everything that’s come before) a running time that’s just too long. Normally I’d also add terrible acting or overacting to that list, but the folks in this flick actually weren’t too bad. Plus, after watching that awful episode of 90210 the other week, I have a new appreciation for the acting chops of the standard, cheap sci-fi cast.

At any rate, Swamp Devil plays like some third-rate knock-off of Swamp Thing, complete with a beastie that’s made out of awful CGI tree limbs, roots and other sundry branch-looking material. There’s some back story about a bunch of southern boys running a criminal out into the woods for some down-home, good old fashioned vigilante justice...and said villain coming back in the form of the Swamp Devil to exact his revenge.

Unfortunately, horror films have to be, well, scary to be worth our time. And, surprise surprise, Swamp Devil is not. In the least. Much of the film takes place during the day time and almost none of the action involves any sense of fear or suspense. It’s about as blasé of movie as you can get. The Goonies does a better job of elicting a scare or two thanks to the Fratelli family. I guess it goes without saying that this is a total pass.


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