>> Tactical Force (BLU-RAY) (2011)

Title: Tactical Force

Edition: Blu Ray

Genre: Action/Adventure

Starring: Steve Austin, Michael Jai White

Director: Adamo P. Cultraro

Studio: Vivendi Entertainment

Runtime: 90 minutes

Release Date: August 9, 2011

Format: BLU-RAY

Discs: 1

MPAA Rating: R

Rating: 1.87 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C-

Bonus Features

Inside Tactical Force, Fight Sequence, Trailer

Captain Tate (played by Steve Austin) is the leader of the toughest SWAT team around but at times they can be a little too reckless. After a hostage situation is taken control of by his team, the team faces a reprimand from destroying most of the store and hurting some of the hostages they were supposed to rescue. Getting sent to a remote warehouse that’s supposed to be devoid of human life, Captain Tate and his team are told to learn some control over themselves and find a way to learn how to not hurt the hostages. Though this seemingly normal training mission turns up sour when a group of criminals are at the warehouse trying to retrieve an object when the SWAT team arrives. Before the team knows what is happening one of them is already dead and Captain Tate and the rest of his team are stuck in the warehouse with no weapons, no backup, and a lot of gun totting criminals after them.

What you see on the cover of Tactical Force is what you get. It’s a movie that has no real story and is full of action sequences with Steve Austin beating up a lot of people. The plot is simple, this team that’s lead by Steve Austin, is the police force that will do anything to stop the bad guys, no matter what. So they get sent to be trained, in this out of the way location that makes no sense but ok I’ll go with it, that also seems to be the same location of a deal that’s going down between some real bad guys who the team of specially trained officers don’t notice are there. From that point on it’s just lots of fights and bad guys getting beat up and killed, no real story at all.

Though it has no real story line to it, the movie is filled with enough action to get the adrenaline flowing while rooting for Steve Austin to go break another arm or leg. Aside from that the movie has no real interest factor. The acting performance done by all the actors, including Michael Jai White, is done where they are trying to sound all tough, bad, and don’t care about anything but proving they can beat up anyone attitude that ends up being this forced choppy sound character. These characters also don’t get any real dialog to make them have any substance, just the typical lines that will make them seem tough without a care then anything else.

With no real dialog given to the characters all that’s left for this movie is the action, which as I said it’s full of. It also makes the movie move along at a pretty fast pace making this hour and half movie fly by. Then again it’s didn’t leave me with any lasting impressions. Tactical Force is one of those movies that does get you pumped up while watching and leaves you with about 10 minutes of after thought about the fight scenes but past those 10 minutes it’s nothing. Everything that I would have thought to have said about this movie would have been said, like how Steve Austin beat up that one guy, or how it was funny when that one guy used the bb gun, but beyond that there’s nothing to this movie. It’s not one that I will be talking about a year from now out of memory but it still was a fun movie to watch while watching.

Nothing spectacular here either with the picture quality with Tactical Force that would make it stand out above anything else. It has a decent grade of picture where it’s clear and the colors are crisp but with the way movies are filmed today that’s not that much to do. Plus the cinematography has nothing new to offer in angles or giving something new to the view. About the best thing for this Blu Ray is the audio level that is actually too high where a rare occurrence when it comes to both Blu Ray and DVD movies. 


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