>> Tennessee (2010)

Title: Tennessee

Genre: Drama

Starring: Mariah Carey, Ethan Peck, Adam Rothenberg

Director: Aaron Woodley

Studio: Vivendi Entertainment

Runtime: 99 minutes

Release Date: January 26, 2010

Format: DVD

Discs: 1

MPAA Rating: R

Rating: 2.79 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C+

“Right to Dream”

Mariah Carey co-wrote this song with Willie Nelson specifically for the film

Despite all the three actors smiling on the DVD cover, the story is very sad. Carter (Adam Rothenberg) already had to make a tough decision when he was just a high school kid. He ran away from an abusive father, and took his mom and his younger brother Ellis (Ethan Peck, grandson of the late Gregory Peck) with him. Carter earns a decent living as a taxi driver in Albuquerque to support the family. When his mom dies and Ellis is diagnosed with leukemia, he decides to leave everything behind once again - to save his younger brother’s life. Ellis needs a bone marrow transplant, and their only hope is to locate the father in Tennessee.
Even though the movie starts out with the tale of two brothers, Mariah Carey is undoubtedly the star of the film. She plays Krystal, a waitress in Texas, whose dream is to become a singer, but Krystal is stuck in her marriage with a violent and alcoholic man. Carey sings her heart out in this movie, and her acting made me forget about her Glitter days. However, her improved acting skill does not help too much to make the story better or develop faster. 
This indie film is more like a made-for-TV movie. The abusive relationships and personalities of the people in this movie are just too familiar, which makes the story even more predictable. Therefore, although Tennessee has enough heart-wrenching and tear-jerking moments to attract Mariah Carey fans who missed catching it on the big screen and people who regularly watch Hallmark or the Lifetime channel, unfortunately I cannot honestly say that this is a one of a kind drama.
Bonus Feature: “Road to Tennessee” Documentary featuring Interviews with Cast and Crew


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