>> The Bourne Ultimatum (2007)

Title: The Bourne Ultimatum

Genre: Action/Adventure

Starring: Matt Damon, Joan Allen, Albert Finney, Scott Glenn, Colin Stinton

Director: Paul Greengrass

Studio: Universal

Runtime: 116 Minutes

Release Date: December 11, 2007

Format: DVD

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Rating: 3.90 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A-

Elite agent, Jason Bourne (Matt Damon) returns home in the final installment of his epic trilogy. Find out all the secrets as to who Jason Born is in The Bourne Ultimatum..  Fans of the series have been waiting 5 years to know who exactly Jason Bourne is. Released during the summer where “3” seemed to be the magic number for films, Ultimatum turns out to be the best of the whole lot. The story revolves around Jason Bourne, a highly trained assassin traveling around the world in search for who stole his identity. With other government assassins tracking him, he must outsmart everyone if he is to live to find out.

After doing so well in theaters, it is no surprise that this is a must have DVD. The movie itself is fantastic. Filled with intense action sequences and explosions, you will be asking for more by the time it is finished. The camera can be a bit shaky at times but overall, the picture is excellent. What makes this film so great is the environment. Instead of trying to recreate places, the crew actually travels there. So when it shows them in Madrid or Tangier, they are actually in Madrid and Tangier.

The DVD is packed full of bonus features as well. There are deleted scenes which mainly show all the dialogue that provides more information of the back-story and such. You also have a “Man on the Move: Jason Bourne” feature that shows all the many locations that were shot and the problems faced there. Also included were behind the scenes features for the Tangier rooftop scene, driving school, the New York chase scene, and fight training. All of them are interesting and bring insight as to how the film was accomplished.

The Bourne Ultimatum is a must have DVD. From the film to the special features; everything lives up to its name. I highly suggest getting the entire trilogy of Jason Bourne films. They are all spectacular and will not disappoint any action fan.


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