>> The Conquest (2012)

Title: The Conquest

Genre: Drama, Foreign Films

Starring: Denis Podalydes, Florence Pernel

Director: Xavier Durringer

Studio: Music Box Films

Runtime: 105 Minutes

Release Date: April 10, 2012

Format: DVD

Rating: 1.65 (out of 4.00)

Grade: D+

Official Site

“The Conquest” is a French movie that was chosen as an official selection for the Cannes Film Festival. The movie follows Nicolas (Denis Podalydès), who chooses to run the presidency of France, and his wife Cecelia (Florence Pernel). The story jumps back and forth between Nicolas’ decision to run for the presidency in 2002 and the actual election in 2007. You get to see his transformation from a politician with good intentions to an ego maniac that will stop at nothing to become president. His sanity, family, marriage, and life pay the ultimate price.

This movie was a full on political drama, but I am in no way a fan of politics, drama, or political dramas. The pacing in “The Conquest” was very slow and it felt like this movie dragged on for hours. All the characters in the movie were very unlikeable and unrelatable, which made it difficult for me to care as to what happened to them at the end of the movie. If the movie had a bit more character development, I would have been able to make a connection to the movie. This was a very conversation driven movie that had little action or excitement. All the talking almost put me to sleep as I watched the movie.

Unless you are into politics, this movie is not for you. I found it too slow for my taste and it was not my kind of movie. I usually don’t mind dramatic movies, but the actual content in “The Conquest” did not seem dramatic to me at all. This movie might appeal to older generations or those that follow politics, but will bore everyone else. For those reasons, I am giving “The Conquest” a “D+.” 


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