>> The Disappeared (2010)

Title: The Disappeared

Genre: Horror

Starring: Harry Treadaway, Tom Felton, Greg Wise, Ros Leeming

Director: Johnny Kervorkian

Studio: MPI Home Video

Runtime: 97 minutes

Release Date: May 18, 2010

Format: DVD

Discs: 1

MPAA Rating: NR

Rating: 4.35 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A+

Official Site

Bonus Features:

Production Featurette-Post Production Featurette-Anatomy Of Horror-Trailer

After the disappearance of his younger brother Tom, Matthew Ryan, emerging from a stay at a mental hospital, tries to get himself straight again, but strange occurrences begin almost as soon as he’s back. He hears his younger brothers voice and sometimes even see’s him for a split second here and there. Is it Tom trying to send Matthew messages from beyond or Matthews medication making him paranoid and delusional? One thing is for certain, Matthews guilt is very real and imagined or not he will follow his brothers clues to find out what happened to him.

Johnny Kevorkian ( Fractured) directs and co-writes this film with Neil Murphy (also Fractured) which despite it being geared up as a horror film is really a fantastic psychological thriller. Its an intelligent piece of work without a doubt that shows up a lot of the franchise horror films on the market. This is not Saw or any of the remakes of old slasher films, this is a genuine experience that is, oh, 99% perfect. Read on for my explanation.

The film is dark and contains so many wonderful twists and turns that your not really expecting and that’s refreshing. Harry Treadaway (Control) turns in a magnificent performance here which reminded me of the intensity and focus that Edward Norton brought in American History X. Treadaway is disturbed, emotional, driven, and there’s never a moment in the film where your put off by his acting. Greg Wise (Cranford) who plays Jake Ryan, Matthews father, is an intense character that is quiet and subdued for the most part but the intensity of his acting is like watching a time bomb ticking down to detonation. Your watching and wondering when and where he will come into play. Tom Felton (Harry Potter) is obviously just a big name tossed in to entice people to see the film and is pretty much a role that anyone could have played and is for the most part forgettable. Ros Leeming plays Amy Tyler, victim of an abusive parent, and Matthew's next door neighbor.

On the whole the DVD is fantastically done. I’ve never heard a 5.1 surround sound track put to such good use before. Your entire system gets a healthy workout that only increases the eerie factor the film has and helps to create an atmosphere to set the perfect mood for a film that has you on the edge of your seat and so enveloped around every bend. I was a little disappointed with the revelation at the end. Its not a total turn off but the film works so well because everything is so logical, worldly, and that’s what entices you to cringe in fear. The final element throws that feel off a bit, hence the 99% perfect, but no doubt one of the most must see films out on DVD at the moment. I highly suggest. 



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