>> The Power (2010)

Title: The Power

Edition: Warner Archive Collection

Genre: Sci-Fi

Starring: Suzanne Pleshette, George Hamilton, Richard Carlson, Yvonne DeCarlo, Earl Holliman

Director: Byron Haskin

Studio: Warner Home Video

Runtime: 108 minutes

Release Date: September 14, 2010

Format: DVD

Discs: 1

Notes: Warner sells this product as Made To Order.

MPAA Rating: NR

Rating: 2.00 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C

Official Site


When Tanner is being bombarded on the firing range, the aircraft shown change from F-104 Starfighters, to a F-100 Super Sabre, to (apparently) an F-86 Sabre. ~ IMDB


Professor Jim Tanner works for the government testing the limits of man’s ability to cope with pain. A small group of scientists work alongside him, one of which they believe to be losing the plot. When said scientist demands that they take him seriously about his discovery they find out that one of them is beyond all of them. Telekinesis is the element of separation and when the secret is forced out into the open the scientists begin dying one by one. Tanner is suddenly discredited in all manners and left with only the option to run and try to find out who the killer is before he is killed or ends up taking the fall and spending the rest of his life in prison.

The Power was released in 1968 but surprisingly the film looks absolutely fantastic. The Metrocolor (MGM’s answer to Technocolor) isn’t too overpowering leaving flesh tones very much organic and the surrounding environment rich with color as well. Can’t say much about the packaging though or the menu options. The DVD comes in your average casing with artwork but the DVD looks like a demo disc and very unattractive. Menu options are basically play the movie and if you want to skip through it you can do so at 10 minute increments. Warner has packaged this as The Warner Archive Collection. That’s not much of an excuse for the blandness of the disc or its menu.

The film stars George Hamilton whose really been a figurehead in a slew of television pieces and a few direct to DVD films. His last big film was probably The Godfather III. Co-starring is the timeless beauty Suzanne Pleshette (Spirited way). Together they go on the run in what tries to be this edgy sci-fi thriller but takes wrong turns here and there making it almost a silly b-movie farce. In one scene a Drinking Bird (the ones you can find at novelty gift shops that dip back and forth into a cup of water) winks at Hamilton as he passes by it at a department store then is fired upon by a group of toy soldiers. The film sways from serious thriller to containing elements of movie magic seen in a film like Mary Poppins. By the time I reached the end of the film I scratched my head at its conclusion which seemed kind of ridiculous. Basically the film really could have ended at any point but for the sake of making the film it gets dragged out. There is a hint of mystery to the film and a few moments of suspense but all together, for me, the film never reached a pinnacle. As always final judgment is yours. Enjoy. 



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