>> Titanics's Final Mystery (2012)

Title: Titanic's Finaly Msytery

Genre: Documentary

Starring: Adam Burton, Des O'Malley, Harry Napier, Tim Maltin, Bill Ratner

Director: Nigel Levy

Studio: Smithsonian Channel

Runtime: 92 minutes

Release Date: May 29, 2012

Format: DVD

Discs: 1

Rating: 3.60 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B+

It’s been 100 years since the unsinkable ship the Titanic sank in the North Atlantic Ocean on April 15, 1912. Since that day in history there has been mystery and intrigue over what the exact reason for the ship to sink was and how it could have been allowed to happen. Over the last 100 years the story of the Titanic has went from being headline news to now being a legendary story to nearly mythical stories but Tim Maltin has made it his lifes work to retell the truth about the fabled ship RMS Titanic.

Over the many years since the Titanic has sunk there have been so many documentaries that at this point not much more can really be said about the ship. Being very interested in the Titanic myself since I was a kid, I’ve watched a great deal on the Titanic and haven’t found many documentaries that I didn’t like. Titanic’s Final Mystery put out by the Smithsonian Channel is another documentary where the truth of what sank the ship is being discussed along with giving some survivors discription of what they went through. The goal of the host, Tim Maltin, is to bring out the truth about the mystery of the Titanic before the story become more legend and story than truth and fact.

On this documentary, there’s a little different take on how the story is being shown. When the Titanic is shown in a 3D CGI effect, there’s times that it’s been placed inside what looks like a library and we are getting to view it as if it was a very sophisticated holograph. At first I didn’t quite like this look but it started to grow on me and I ended up liking the way it was formatted and edited. Aside from that, the rest of the documentary is nothing new, from recreating survivors with actors who look similar, showing pictures, showing what it looked like as the ship sank, and going out in the field in search of some answers.

What makes this documentary fun and interesting to watch, other than it being about the Titanic, is that Tim Maltin doesn’t really set out to give an answer to the mystery that surrounds the ship but rather bring it back into light. His goal is to make the truth about the ship be known again before it gets to the point of people telling stories about what they think might have happened instead of finding and using facts and truth.


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