>> Withnail and I (BLU-RAY) (2010)

Title: Withnail and I

Genre: Comedy

Starring: Richard E. Grant, Richard Griffiths, Paul McGann

Director: Bruce Robinson

Studio: Image Entertainment

Runtime: 107 Minutes

Release Date: August 24, 2010

Format: BLU-RAY

Discs: 1

MPAA Rating: R

Rating: 1.80 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C-

Official Site


Actor Paul McGann played the 8th Doctor in the Doctor Who series. It was the first ressurection for the Doctor Who series and was meant to draw in US audiences as BBC partnered with FOX and Universal Studio's. Despite decent numbers in the UK the show did not bode well in the US and was scrapped. McGann continued to play the 8th Doctor in voice only in audio stories as well as allow his image to be represented on the covers of Doctor Who books starring the 8TH Doctor. He and Richard E. Grant would later reunite for the short Always Crashing In The Same Car in 2007.

Withnail and I is a semiautobiographical retelling of director Bruce Robinson’s life, played by Paul McGann (Queen of the Damned), as an out of work actor living in squalor awaiting his next big break alongside his flat mate Withnail played by Richard E. Grant (Penelope). When the two decide its time to make a hasty retreat to the countryside for a vacation they find it anything but. Also stars Richard Griffiths (Harry Potter).

Despite Withnail and I being an enjoyable and entertaining film the BD quality of this release is extremely inconsistent. Low light scenes are grainy and seem darker then they should be. Well lit scenes are wonderful with colors vibrant. In one scene Richard E. Grants eyes are a vibrant smoky blue it almost looks fake but without a doubt just a sign that the better parts of the film have a high clarity and vibrancy lacking in other parts of the film. For being filmed in the countryside the lush greens and natural organic colors of the country are not as utilized as they could have been. After watching the trailer on the disc the improvement is obvious but a true BD quality is only 50% present due to lack of definition, grain, and lighting issues. Audio is an Uncompressed PCM stereo that’s light but for this film, which is dialogue heavy, it works. Anything more might have been a waste since its all front heavy anyway.

Surprisingly just the trailer, untouched. I guess that makes it easier to see the difference in film quality from then to now. This film did come in a 3 disc special edition DVD in the UK featuring tons of bonus features. Just saying.



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