>> A Christmas Carol (2009)

Title: A Christmas Carol

Genre: Animation, Classics, Kids

Starring: Jim Carrey, Gary Oldman, Cary Elwes, Colin Firth, Bob Hoskins, Robin Wright Penn, Molly C. Quinn

Director: Robert Zemeckis

Studio: Walt Disney Pictures

Runtime: 96 minutes

In Theatres: November 6, 2009

MPAA Rating: PG

Rating: 3.91 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A-

Official Site

There have been dozens of film adaptations of the classic Charles Dickens’ 1843 story, A Christmas Carol. Disney is at it again with Robert Zemeckis and Jim Carrey in the first Disney Digital 3D version of the tale. So how does it stack up to all the others out there?

A Christmas Carol follows the crooked old miser Ebenezer Scrooge (Carrey) as he continues to live his life enveloped with greed. It’s Christmas Eve, and once again Scrooge plans to enjoy none of it. Fate, however, has other plans in store.

Scrooge is to be visited by three ghosts; the Ghost of Christmas Past, Present, and Future. They will show him how the rest of the world sees him in the hopes that he will change his ways before it’s too late.

The film is presented using a mixture of animation and performance capture, much in the same way as Polar Express and Beowulf. This makes for a much more realistic, although creepier, version of the story. The facial expressions and movements of the characters bring them to life like no other animation has.

Probably the most disturbing of them is the Ghost of Christmas Past, voiced by Jim Carrey as well. The ghost is portrayed much like Dickens’ original concept as an androgynous being with a flame surrounding its head, much like a candle. The soft and eerie tone of his voice is enough to spook kids and adults alike.

The 3D is some of the best I’ve seen. Disney has really gotten the hang of the technology and it’s finally beginning to show in their films. Rather than tying specific scenes to focus on 3D aspects, the entire film utilizes the technology throughout. Individual snowflakes appear right in front of your face, ghosts reach out to grab you, and vast landscapes have depth and structure to them.

Even with the large number of Christmas Carol adaptations out there, of which Disney has three now, Zemeckis manages to bring the story to life once more while still keeping things fresh. If you're not in the Christmas spirit yet, you will be be by the end of the film.


A Christmas Carol

I think the story is dragging out a little too long, but the pictures and the 3D are beautiful. It's still worth seeing.

A Christmas Carol

same old story as before. I think they tried to hard to concentrate on the 3D effects and forgot about everything else. I love A Christmas Carol, definitely one of my favorites, but I expected a new twist on it. Hoping for something newer and more modern!!!!!

It's a classic

Same old story, but I acutally prefer that they keep it honest to the book. A bit long because they tried too hard with all the graphics, and a tad scary for little children, but this is a good movie to see on the big screen and in 3D. Just dont wait until near the holiday to watch it, because you are not going to come out feeling light and happy. I also dont understand why they had to make Scrooge so physically unattractive. Everyone else in the movie has a normal face, but Scrooge has the longest, pointiest chin, like a Pinocchio's nose. His face and the ghosts will definitely not make you feel merrily.

A Christmas Carol

Saw it in IMAX format and it was great. The 3D effects were outstanding. It's a classic and that's what you get with the movie. Definitely not to be missed.

A Christmas Carol

I enjoyed the 3-D effects...the snow falling down around me was especially nice. However, the film did not have quite the emotional weight that the George Scott version has for me. Some of the attempts at humor appeared to be mistimed as far as making the points about selfishness and lack of charity towards others. Some of the imagery is probably too scary for young children and the message is too watered down for adults so it's a middle of the road film for me. Interesting to see for the visual effects but not one I would ever buy.

X-mas Carol

The 3-D effects were good. There are some scenes maybe not suitable for children. Overall a good movie and worth seeing for the effects.

must see

This movie was incredible in the imax 3D theater. I loved how it followed the book more then a lot of the others that have been done.

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