>> Adventureland (2009)

Title: Adventureland

Genre: Comedy

Starring: Jesse Eisenberg, Kristen Stewart, Ryan Reynolds, Martin Starr, Bill Hader, Kristen Wiig, Margarita Levieva

Director: Greg Mottola

Studio: Miramax

Runtime: 107 minutes

In Theatres: April 3, 2009

MPAA Rating: R

Rating: 3.05 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B

Official Site

James (Jesse Eisenberg) has just graduated from college and been accepted into Columbia for Grad school. He has a visit to Europe during the summer to look forward to as well. Things seem to be going pretty good, that is, until his parents fall into some rough times and can't afford to send him on his European vacation or help him with Columbia. In order to raise some money for school, James is forced to work at Adventureland; the most not so fun theme park in town.

Aside from working with horrible carnival games, giant stuffed pandas, and crazy customers, James makes some good friends especially with Em (Kristen Stewart). I guess the entire summer isn't going to be as bad as he would have thought.

Greg Mottola, having previously made the hilarious Superbad, has quite the reputation. So does Adventureland live up to the expectations we have come to expect from Mottola? Not quite but it is for different reasons than one might expect.

First off, if you go in expecting Superbad, you'll be disappointed. Bill Hader has a role in the film as does Ryan Reynolds, who can be humorous at times.The film is only mildly funny and weighs more heavily on James' relationship with Em. It has a much more serious tone than one would expect from watching the trailers. Most of the comedy comes from James' old friend, Frigo (Matt Bush), and Hader. Aside from those two, there are occasional funny moments but nothing close to what Superbad provided.

The film is very mature in dealing with relationships and love. Even though it's all wrapped around jokes, the drama is still there and easily identifiable. The acting is decent even with Eisenberg being the mirror image of Michael Cera. I guess they just couldn't get him for the role. I've yet to see Twilight but from some of the comments I've heard, Stewart does a better job in this film. Bill Hader could have been in the film more as he definitely was not used to his full potential. Ryan Reynolds' character could have been played by anyone really.

Adventureland is something worth seeing, even if it isn't that funny. It provides much more than your typical underage drinking and sex (they're actually of legal age in this one). You'll laugh, some of you might shed a tear, but you'll ultimately have a good time watching it.



I give this movie a straight B. It's enjoyable, but that's about all. I was expecting to see more in Adventureland but not too much in the park itself. But that's not a bad thing.


This was somewhat funny because the movie stayed true to the hairstyles, music and clothing from the '80s. However, the characters roles were more like highschoolers and new college graduates.
It would be fun to watch on video.


I actually enjoyed this movie. It was funny though I will not allow my 16 year old son to see it due to the drug content. For a teen movie, there is little sex (though spoken about) and cursing. A great rental though individuals in their 20s may pay the $9 to see at the theater.


it's an excellent and solid film. and the music alone was enough to make the movie worth it.

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