>> District 9 (2009)

Title: District 9

Genre: Documentary, Sci-Fi

Starring: Jason Cope, Robert Hobbs, Sharlto Copley

Director: Neill Blomkamp

Studio: TriStar Pictures

Runtime: 112 minutes

In Theatres: August 14, 2009

MPAA Rating: R

Rating: 3.78 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B+

Official Site


The idea of the prawns being obsessed with cat food came from two inspirations. In impoverished areas of Johannesburg, Neill Blomkamp would see people selling cheese poofs and other snack foods out of large 3-foot tall bags and wanted the aliens to have a similar cheap food. The decision to make them cat food came from one of the producers who used canned cat food to bait hooks when fishing for prawns in Vancouver.

Twenty-eight years ago, aliens landed on the planet. Despite the fact that they mean us no harm, no advancements in technology could be produced, mainly because their weapons were DNA locked to their race.

Stranded on Earth with nowhere to go and no leadership to guide them, the aliens were rounded together and forced into the slum known as District 9 in South Africa. Now, things are beginning to get worse as alien crime increases and the people of Johannesburg want them gone.

While on the massive task of serving the aliens eviction notices, Multi-National United (MNU) field operative Wikus van der Merwe (Sharlto Copley) comes across a new form of alien technology. After accidentally being sprayed with the mysterious liquid inside, Wikus begins to transform into the unimaginable. Now he is alone, rejected by both species and must find a way to reverse the effects before it’s too late.

The film is shot in a documentary style with interviews and made to seem that everything going on was in fact, real. Peter Jackson and the rest of the crew did an excellent job at portraying these aliens, referred to as Prawns, as almost human. They are not your typical monster movie aliens. They interact and communicate with the humans and actually are given rights, however few they may be. There is only a fine line between the differences of human versus alien.

Wikus is the main attraction of the film and Copley does a great job portraying the frightened and confused character. Some of his actions are a little ridiculous though, even for a trained MNU officer. I highly doubt his cell phone would last as long as it did without charging and that he could escape a secure military weapons research facility. In reality, the government probably would have gone to any costs, even human casualties, to keep Wikus contained.

There is plenty of action to be seen. The alien weapons are more powerful than anything; shooting blasts of energy and lightning towards any foes. The effects are a bit much as people’s limbs, heads, and entire bodys will explode upon impact. People were practically laughing at the sight of this and it sort of takes away from the more serious nature of the film.

The film has been dubbed as ‘the Halo movie’ by some since Peter Jackson and director Neill Blomkamp were on board to produce Halo the movie. When that went dead, the two decided on District 9, based on the short film, Alive in Joburg, instead. While District 9 is no Halo, it is quite a decent alien film shrouded in mystery. 


District 9

At the start of the movie, most scenes are news-style camera angles with all the shaking which is very irritating. And all the interviews at the beginning are almost boring. Once the story starts to take shape, it is getting better and better. From there, the movie kicks into high gear with all the actions and fightings almost like Transformers. To sum up, the first half of the movie is just so so, but the second half is really good.

District 9

I found the movie to be original. I thought of Alien Nation when I saw the movie. There are several things going on.. all and all I would say it was an okay movie for me. The news style beginning was a very slow for sure. The action toward the end was good but I wouldn’t say great. It was an enjoyable movie.

District 9

Guess the aliens just moved into the wrong neighborhood and lost their juice.
Should have checked Mapquest. Serious message, badly presented. **, rent it.

District 9

Didn't enjoy this movie at all. The beginning was too slow and not interesting at all. It did finally pick up but we were tempted to walk out but didn't. At times it seemed hokey and almost funny. Lots of graphic horror and definitely not for everyone.


The beginning was slow. At first I was hoping it was not going to be shown through the camera angle for the entire movie. It started to pick up towards the second half w/ some action. Sequel D10?

Dsitrict 9

The movie started off slow but halfway through the story definitely picked up. I liked the graphics and story line. The movie had lots of blood, gruesome pictures, weaponry, etc. I enjoyed the movie but some of my female friends wanted to walk out. Bottom line, definitely NOT a chic flick!

For HardCore Sci-Fi fans

I really enjoyed the movie but not as much as I’ve enjoyed G.I. Joe. District 9 is a little different kind of movie. I can’t believe they are already working on making its sequel. Will it be District 9 II or District 10,,, I wonder!

District 9

A lot of mixed reviews on this one it seems. I went into the movie knowing nothing about it except for aliens landed and were at odds with humans. If you can get through the first 30 minutes there is a chance you may find the movie interesting. A handfull of people did walk out during the movie. I had the thought for a second myself, but glad I stayed. You have to go into this movie leaving the real world outside the door along with any other thoughts you have on previous alien movies. I went in thinking of Independence Day and was surprised to walk out with maybe the feel of the last Indiana Jones movie.

District 9

I am unsure of this movie. I was expecting so much more, especially from Peter Jackson. I felt the whole time as if something was missing from this film. As far as the camera angles I was not happy with them as in Cloverfield and Quarantine. I loved the concept and it was different from the other invasion movies, but I think it missed the flair of a Peter Jackson film.

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