>> Leap Year (2010)

Title: Leap Year

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romantic

Starring: Amy Adams, Matthew Goode, Kaitlin Olson, Adam Scott

Director: Anand Tucker

Studio: Spyglass Entertainment

Runtime: 107 minutes

In Theatres: January 8, 2010

MPAA Rating: PG

Rating: 3.79 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B+

Official Site

According to legend, once every four years, a woman may propose to a man on February 29th, leap year.  After waiting for her boyfriend to propose, Anna decides to take things into her own hands and fly to Ireland to propose to Jeremy on this special day. It turns out that everything that could go wrong on this trip does and that perhaps Anna and Jeremy weren't meant for each other...

When a massive storm diverts her flight to Cardiff, Anna (Amy Adams) enlists the help of Irish innkeeper Declen (Matthew Goode) to get her the rest of the way. The two travel together and, as one could imagine, develop a relationship that neither want to admit is there. It's a romantic comedy fit for the lover in all of us.

Adams and Goode play both the worst and absolute best couple in the world. Declen is by no means her prince charming and actually is the catalyst for much of the troubles that plague the two. On the other hand, Anna is no prized jewel either with her constant complaining and stuck up attitude. Still, the two manage to put up with each other just long enough to make us fall in love with them.

It's sweet, it's funny, it's mainly for the women out there but I think guys will enjoy it too. The scenery is some of the most beautiful views I've seen of the Irish countryside. There's still the entire love story between the two three characters that'll put a smile on your face. Leap Year is a heartwarming film that makes you wonder. Why don't girls propose to guys more often?


Very Cute Romantic Comedy!

For some reason, I really liked Mathew Goode. Of course the beautiful Amy Adams were absolutely fabulous. It is a great chick flick movie. I enjoyed it a lot.

Chic Flik

This looks like it would be a good one for girls night out, my daughter and I are looking forward to this one and Dear John. I am surprised this one only got a B+ rating, I hope that it is better than that

It has some funny parts in it.

The movie did have some funny things in it. My question is, why didn't she just wait till the storm ended. She would have been there a the next day.

Very Cute...Amy Adams does a great job

Thought this movie was very cute and the two Lead charaters did a great job.


I got tickets to see this one elsewhere, but I thought it was a cute romance. I thought that Amy certainly showed more acting skills than Matthew, it almost seemed like she was falling in love with him but he seemed almost like he could not have cared. All in all I thought it was a very cute romance

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