>> Public Enemies (2009)

Title: Public Enemies

Genre: Drama

Starring: Johnny Depp, Christian Bale, Billy Crudup, Channing Tatum, Marion Cottilard, Giovani Ribisi

Director: Michael Mann

Studio: Universal

Runtime: 2 Hours, 23 Minutes

In Theatres: July 1, 2009

MPAA Rating: R

Rating: 3.95 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A

Official Site

Did You Know?

Elliot Goldenthal who composed the soundtrack to Public Enemies also composed for Mann's 1995 film Heat starring Al Pacino and Robert DeNiro.

John Dillinger (Depp) is at the peak of his notoriously brutal crime wave during the Great Depression but J. Edgar Hoover (Crudup) and his G-Men lead by Melvin Purvis (Bale), the man who took down Pretty boy Floyd (Tatum), are hot on his heels.

Mann creates a vast world for his newest film dropping in just about every name in Hollywood and creating a spectacular backdrop to place you into the midst of Dillinger’s world. Though Depp is the main actor attached to this film the Public Enemies universe is so large it never really feels like there is one main star. Depp, who isn’t really all that memorable as Dillinger, kind of swaggers through the film. People are so used to seeing Depp’s elaborate characters that his Dillinger here is just bland and unexciting. Even Bale, another titan in film at the moment, isn’t memorable.

I know what your thinking. How good can this film be when the two main stars don’t even leave a lasting impression? How can a story, which almost everyone knows the ending to, be exciting? It’s the story, the sets, the locations, the massive amount of characters in the film and their unbelievable viciousness, loyalty, and the way they make you root for the bad guy. Take it from me, I’m not even a fan of Mann’s previous films, but the world he creates here is so potently violent and loud your just drawn in. Another good point to make is that, despite knowing how the story ends, I caught myself breathless by the suspense of the film and sitting forward in my seat expectant and anxious. Its just a really well directed film with a great story and even better dialogue. Room for improvement? Maybe just a little wiggle room, but definitely deserves to be described as a summer blockbuster. Enjoy.


Yeah, this was a really

Yeah, this was a really well-made film, I especially enjoyed the photographer. It was shot superbly.

Public Enemies

Good movie but not great. Typical gangster movie. The story is along the line of Bonnie & Clyde.

Another Robin Hood movie

Except for carrying the big stars, the story true to life, and the authentic period setting, there is nothing about this movie that is exciting (as much as the 9/10 star general public rating). The only impression I get from this movie is Dillinger is quick and slick and funny, and the FBI is mostly stupid, has lots of red tape and phony public display. I would give it a B for the effort and the big box-office stars.

Public Enemies

Very good and entertaining. Well worth the price of admission and Johnny Depp does a phenomenol job!

Public Enemies

Very good and entertaining. Well worth the price of admission and Johnny Depp does a phenomenol job!

I heart boobies. Are there

I heart boobies. Are there any in this film?

Giovani Ribisi pretty much ruins any movie he's in - no matter how small the part.

Johnny Depp

Hot as ever! Really good, but not great... loved his cocky arrogant role, he is an awesome actor and enjoyable to watch.




As always, Depp is convincing as a true gangster. It showed all sides of his "line of work". Great job all around. Thanks SF for the opportunity!!

Very well done flick

This was one of the better movies of the summer, I review movies for a living and this is the ONLY movie I would pay to see again.

John Depp

As usual john rises above the material. The movie itself was ordinary, shame on you batman

Loved it

Johnny Depp was of course great!! He always is! He could sit in a bar and drink for two hours and I would love it!!! I can't wait to see him as The Mad Hatter!!!!

Enjoyed It

Who doesn't enjoy a movie with two of the most beautiful men on earth? Johnny Depp & Christian Bale!!! Depp had me routing for Dillenger the whole way through. I would have loved though to see how Dillenger became the way he was, but then I guess that would make it a 4 hour movie.

Well done.

Onetime Show!

It was a very long movie and I lost interest as it felt like, oh it’s over but it was not. Just stayed to see Johnny Depp, that's all! Very good setting and costume design for sure. Not the movie you want to watch again and again. One time is enough.

Public Enemies

A long film that just never gains momentun until the the final scene in the theatre. J. Depp's performance was very low key, although his portrayal of
of love for Billie very moving. C. Bale's interpretation of the Pervis character
had no zip. I'd have to give this movie to the female characters and the actresses that portrayed them. Marion Cottilard stole sceens right out from
under J. Depp ...and that cannot be an easy thing to accomplish. I hope JD
will not be terribly disappointed in the reviews, considering this was a role
he waited along time to play.

Public Enemies

Saw the preview in Raleigh. Loved the venue! Really enjoyed the movie. Everything just seemed to fit together well. The story flowed well, the effects were not over the top, the actors were believeable. Seamless movie. I am not a big Depp fan, but I felt he did a great job with this role. I haven't gotten into him like that since Secret Window. Thanks

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