>> Safe House (2012)

Title: Safe House

Genre: Action/Adventure, Suspense

Starring: Denzel Washington, Ryan Reynolds, Robert Patrick, Vera Farmiga, Brendan Gleeson

Director: Daniel Espinosa

Studio: Universal Pictures

Runtime: 115 minutes

In Theatres: February 10, 2012

MPAA Rating: R

Rating: 3.12 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B

Official Site

Matt Weston (Ryan Reynolds) is just your average low level CIA employee who is tasked with operating a safe house in South Africa. While that might sound like an awesome job, he has spent the past 12 months sitting alone in said safe house twiddling down the hours in the day. That all changes when Tobin Frost (Denzel Washington), one of the most dangerous ex-CIA operatives wanted for treason, is brought in for questioning.

Naturally there is going to be some action when such a high profile criminal walks through your doors, and Tobin Frost is no exception. Things almost immediately erupt into chaos as the people who were after Frost before he just waltzed into the U.S. embassy blow the doors to the safe house. Now, only Matt stands in the way between Frost and his escape. Will he be able to make it to a new safe house before Frost gains the upper hand?

Safe House is a cat and mouse spy thriller that pits two opposing forces against each other in a battle of intelligence, strength, and the ability to simply stay alive. Denzel Washington may be in his late 50s but the man can still kick ass. He’s cunning and ruthless; just an overall cool dude to watch on screen. Couple that with Ryan Reynolds’ young go getter attitude and you have quite the dynamic pair. They’re only a small part of a much bigger conspiracy that’s going on, though.

The film draws thin grey line between whose good and who’s bad. Frost has some very valuable information on him and there are men who will stop at nothing to obtain it. As the film goes on, more and more information is revealed, although it does drag on towards the middle. Is Frost really as bad as everyone says he is? Who really are the people after him? These are just some of the questions you’ll have going constantly through your mind. When the CIA is involved, nothing’s as simple as black and white.

Fans of Washington will be pleased to know that he delivers a commanding performance in Safe House. He’s clearly the one who keeps the action moving forward. The story can be somewhat confusing at times (the shaky camera doesn’t help either), but if you want to see a good action thriller, Safe House is a safe bet.

Follow me on Twitter @Majiesto 


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