>> Step Up 3D (2010)

Title: Step Up 3D

Genre: Comedy

Starring: Rick Malambri, Sharni Vinson, Adam G. Sevani, Alyson Stoner, Joe Slaughter

Director: John Chu

Studio: Walt Disney Pictures

Runtime: 107 Minutes

In Theatres: August 6, 2010

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Rating: 2.36 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C+

Official Site


Several earlier So You Think You Can Dance finalists also appear in supporting parts, including Ivan Koumaev, Katee Shean, Joshua Allen, Stephen "Twitch" Boss, Jonathan "Legacy" Perez, Daniel Ibitoye, Ashlee Nino, Tony Bellissimo and Cedric Gardner ~ Wikipedia

Step Up 3D takes a couple of cross over characters from the previous films, Alyson Stoner as Camille Gage from Step Up and Adam G. Sevani as Moose from Step Up 2: The Streets, and tosses them in with a contrived story about a tight knit group of dancers who must do battle with a rival dance crew to win a competition that could help shape their lives. Moose and Camille have a huge part in the film, well really just Moose, but the story really revolves around Luke, played by Rick Malambri (Surrogates). Luke is the Father figure of The Pirates, the “good guy crew”, whose struggles include maintaining a home for his crew and trying to find balance between the many loves in his life; filmmaking, dancing, and his dream girl Natalie played by Sharni Vinson (Home and Away). Of course as the title suggests its in 3D and like the last two films features tons of dance sequences.

Before I rip into this film let me first start off by saying you will have a great time watching Step Up 3D. The dancers, most of them anyway, are absolutely amazing pulling off moves that would put even the most skilled Ninja to shame. The soundtrack is excellent really matching itself well to the energy of the film and helping to boost the look of the dancing. Seriously, for a guy that isn’t really that into this kind of music I went out and bought the soundtrack, its really that good. That aside there is a lot wrong with this film.

From the start you get glimpse that things just aren’t going to be that great for the films acting and that the writing tends to forget that just because this is going to be in 3D and filled mostly with dancing people still pay to see some kind of substance in their films. “Well son I’m glad you’ve decided to take up engineering and forget all about that crazy dance nonsense” ß (Or something to that effect). It instantly reminded me of Judd Nelson as John Bender in The Breakfast Club where he’s imitating life at Brian’s. As bad as this moment is there is way more to come. The story is just poorly written and contrived. As usual the dancers are living hard, never had anything, grew up in rough neighborhoods, and dance is the only thing that saved them. Really? All of them? It seems like an abuse of a character cliché to me. The formula for romance, and I wont state what it is because its kind of a spoiler, remains unchanged from the previous two films striking up the debate that 3D films like this are why 3D is such a bad idea. Just because there is a new aspect to filming doesn’t mean you can loose the integrity of some other aspect that makes a film decent. On that note, while the 3D does have some awesome moments, as usual, its really not something that justifies the bump in price to see a film in 3D. As usual the most eye popping aspect of the 3D process is the advertisement before the film for the company that creates the 3D effect.

Dancing. Like I said, absolutely amazing. Its even forgivable that the film has a parkour sequence (like martial arts soon even Grandmothers and babies will be exploiting this once impressive art in film). Problem is that while the dancing is great its poorly worked in as a device in the film. For example; The first dance off that Moose finds himself in at the beginning of the film, he does pretty well, but in truth Moose gets completely smoked. In the spirit of the film though he wins. I get it. He’s the good guy and the other crew, The Samurai, are the bad guys, but as the film progresses you start to see where the director just went wrong with casting. For starters the two heads of house, Luke and Julien (Joe Slaughter), really don’t do that much dancing in the film. Their background at best and when they do dance its not that impressive. Secondly Luke’s house seems to progress throughout the film despite the fact they keep getting smoked by better dance crews. Because the film is so high energy and your left completely in awe by the dancing your really transported through the film without giving it much thought but as I walked out of the theater it just started to bug me.

Step Up 3D, for what it is, is a film that you wont regret seeing despite its many flaws. The music and the dancing are the stars of the film without a doubt, Adam G. Sevani does a really excellent job as well, but without a doubt the 3D is a questionable addition and when all is said and done you simply have to walk away with what the film has to offer and be satisfied. As always final judgment falls to you. Enjoy.




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