>> The Amazing Spider-Man (IMAX 3D) (2012)

Title: The Amazing Spider-Man

Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, Sci-Fi

Starring: Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Rhys Ifans, Sally Field, Martin Sheen, Denis Leary, Irrfan Khan, Chris Zylka

Director: Marc Webb

Studio: Columbia Pictures

Runtime: 136 minutes

In Theatres: July 3, 2012

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Rating: 4.44 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A+

Official Site

Peter Parker (played by Andrew Garfield) is one of  Midtown High School’s students that just doesn’t fit in with the rest of the click and because of this it makes him the target of bully Flash Thompson (played by Chris Zylka). High school life for Peter is tough without having to deal with Flash, let alone trying to talk to the girl he has a huge crush on, Gwen Stacy (played by Emma Stone), but he’s also trying to figure out why he’s the person that he has grown into. After years of living with his Uncle Ben (played by Martin Sheen) and Aunt May (played by Sally Field), Peter Parker finds a case that once belonged to his father. Trying to figure out what happened to his parents with the clues that he has found, Peter goes to Oscorp to talk to Dr. Curt Conners (played by Rhys Ifans) where Peter starts to help Dr. Conners with his experiment that his father also worked on. After getting bit by a test spider, Peter suddenly finds himself in a new life with super powers that allow him to stick to walls as well as having super strength. Taking the disguise as Spider-Man, Peter swings around New York City fighting crime so he can find the one criminal that has changed his life more than getting the powers but what he finds as Spider-Man is a foe who is strong, meaner, and willing to kill. Now it’s up to Spider-Man to stop this Lizard while the police department is also trying to arrest Spider-Man.

I want to start this out with how I feel about this movie but instead I’ll start with telling what makes this movie so great. Everything. I said it, everything, and I mean it, there was nothing that I could find that was wrong with this movie, other than not already having a second part out for me to watch. Being a fan of Spider-Man I was worried that this new reboot of the already popular movies, namely with the acting of Andrew Garfield and how would they make the Lizard look. Though I was also a little worried with how the suit was going to look and how they were going to approach the aspect of Peter Parkers parents. I was also worried because the movie was being said to tell a different side to Peter Parkers life. Not only that but how would this movie look in 3D?

Well, all my worries were for naught because everything I worried about works out beautifully. Andrew Garfield is the perfect and most realistic Peter Parker that I could have imagined. He was able to take the personality of Peter Parker: a shy, timid, and smart high school kid who bumbles around the girls and is picked on while being a good person. Then when he is Spider-Man he’s believable in the roll and the costume. He has the witty but stupid humor down when Spider-Man is fighting the criminals and he has given the character the heart that makes Spider-Man good. Though it’s not only Andrew Garfield that does a great job with his characters, Emma Stone embodies Gwen Stacy like she is Gwen Stacy. I was even really impressed with how Martin Sheen and Sally Fields do in their roles of Uncle Ben and Aunt May. And did I say that I was worried about how the Lizard would look? Yep, I did but there was no reason to be because he looks menacingly scary and cool. What would a giant walking iguana look like if he was a man, or I should say a man that has tuned into a giant, angry, lizard? Well, he would look exactly like the Lizard looks in this movie.

What really surprised me though at the end of the movie is that I didn’t like it so much because of all the action that’s in it, which is a lot, nor was it the really cool look of the 3D effects as Spider-Man swings through the city. No, what makes The Amazing Spider-man so good is when it’s showing Peter Parker as himself rather than Spider-Man. Where past movies had the focus put upon the superhero and the action sequences, this new one puts the focus on the emotions of the characters. This is actually a tragedy filled with a lot of death, sorrow, and pain. All of which drives the movie, it also made me feel a connection with the characters, and wanting everything to just go right but when they don’t I felt the pain with them. I also love the fact that they put the relationship of Peter and Gwen in it because this was one of the relationships that has formed the character of both Peter Parker and Spider-Man. This newest of the Spider-Man movies has blended both emotions and action for a equal balance that made me want more of each as the scenes would progress.

I also saw this movie on the Imax 3D screen and I got to say this movie looked amazing. The effects used in this movie have a good balance from being 3D and 2D without overdoing either. One of my worries was not whether or not the 3D scenes would look real but having them over do them by putting in anything and everything they could to come flying out of the screen at the viewer. Thankfully that’s not the case. They give the movie depth with the 3D making it feel like I was there watching it rather than watching it on a movie screen. More impressive was how they took some of the scenes when Spider-Man was swinging by showing 1st person aspect making it look like it was my arms that was shooting out the webs and swinging around. Best of all, this 3D was not dark like most 3D movies are where it looks like I’m watching the movie with sunglasses on. Which is impressive considering how many scenes happen in the night, there wasn’t any time that I thought it looked dark. The Amazing Spider-Man was one of the most impressive 3D movies I’ve watched, as well as being the best and most realistic Spider-Man movies I’ve seen.

P.S. Stan Lee’s little cameo in this was so good, so funny, and amazing that I was laughing out loud along with everyone else in the theater. This one scene showed the heart of the character of Spider-Man and why he’s so cool, and it looks like a moving comic book.

Want another opinion? Check out Matt Rodriguez's review!


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