>> The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day (2009)

Title: The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day

Genre: Action/Adventure, Comedy

Starring: Sean Patrick Flanery, Norman Reedus, Billy Connolly

Director: Troy Duffy

Studio: Stage 6 Films

Runtime: 117 min

In Theatres: October 30, 2009

MPAA Rating: R

Rating: 3.00 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B+

Official Site

10 years after the original, Troy Duffy finally brings to us a sequel to a cult classic with "The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day." Sean Patrick Flanery (Connor MacManus), Norman Reedus (Murphy MacManus), and Billy Connolly (Poppa M) all reprise their roles, and many other familiar faces are seen throughout the movie. The problem with a cult classic, though, is that any sequel will have a lot to live up to. Does "All Saints Day" meet the ridiculously high standards the hardcore fans seem to have set for it? Let's take a closer look.
I will admit right now, I'm not a huge cult follower of "The Boondock Saints." I did watch it and I did enjoy it, but I did not memorize the movie and watch it many times as apparently many other people have (especially at this particular screening). That said, it had been quite a while since I'd even seen "The Boondock Saints," but I think it's fair to say that "All Saints Day" is very much in the spirit of the first movie. Lots of characters return from the first one, including a few unexpected ones, and Duffy tried to maintain the aspects of the first movie that made it so loved.
Of course, the movie couldn't be exactly the same as the first one. There are a couple new characters, including Romeo (Clifton Collins Jr.) and Special Agent Eunice Bloom (Julie Benz). I thought Benz' inclusion as Willem Dafoe's replacement was decently played, and it seems like she had fun with the role. Personally, though, I found Romeo's part in the movie lacking and thought the movie could've been just fine without him. The first movie is very well known for the many different rememberable, quotable quotes. For some reason, I didn't quite feel the same way about "All Saints Day." Sure, the writing was good and the lines were, for the most part, awesome, but I don't know, maybe I felt they were trying too hard (particularly with Romeo's big one-liner, which is, sadly, one of the few lines I do remember).
When all is said and done, I think the movie was good and should be exactly what you're expecting. Something about it just tells me that people are going to feel like it didn't live up to the first, even though as a movie by itself, it's not bad at all. I'd say it's worth a watch if you're not already offended by the mere thought that they would desecrate a classic such as "The Boondock Saints." Incidentally, after the screening, Troy Duffy, Sean Patrick Flanery, Norman Reedus, and Billy Connolly all came to the front of the theatre and did a pretty decently long Q&A session. Unfortunately, I was not prepared and didn't get most of their answers down in writing. Questions came up including whether the boys did their own stunts (mostly they did), are those tattoos real (Sean's is real, but Norman's is not, if I recall correctly), and if the bodies you see in the shower scene at the very beginning of the movie were really Sean and Norman (yes). We also got the inside scoop on why the movie took so long to make and the various problems encountered with the studios for the first movie.


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