>> The Great Buck Howard (2009)

Title: The Great Buck Howard

Genre: Comedy, Drama

Starring: Colin Hanks, John Malkovich, Emily Blunt, Tom Hanks, Steve Zahn

Director: Sean McGinly

Studio: Magnolia Pictures

Runtime: 87 minutes

In Theatres: March 20, 2009

MPAA Rating: PG

Rating: 3.47 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B+

Official Site

Father & Son Tag Team

Tom Hanks, producer and real life father of Colin Hanks, portrays Troy's father in the film.

Not just the average Buck Howard or the not so bad Buck Howard but the GREAT Buck Howard. That was the title given to him by Johnny Carson on The Tonight Show.

Since then he has been performing mentalism in small, no name, towns; hoping for that chance to be in the spotlight once more. Troy is Buck's road manager in charge of, well, everything. As he follows the mentalist around the country, he wonders about his own life and what he wants to do with it.

John Malkovic performs amazingly as the great Buck Howard. From his awkward hand shake with everyone to the generic "I love this town!" line, you can't help but like the character. There is a certain awe around him when he performs his tricks. Colin Hanks does an alright job as Buck's shadow, following him around to do his bidding. At times he can be emotionless and the film becomes bland and disengaging. If it weren't for Malkovic's performance, then the film would have suffered greatly.

There is a sense of wonder and excitement when watching the movie. See Buck perform his tricks, leading up to his big finale where he finds his money, is all part of the fun. You want to know how he does it all; curious as to if they will reveal his secret. That is what makes it so special; having that little bit of hope that the magic is all real.

The Great Buck Howard is a delightful film that is humorous and a joy to watch. It is somewhat slow towards the beginning but by the end, you are enthralled by the character of Buck.


Great talent doesn't make a great movie

The great Buck Howard, or the amazing Kreslin as known in real life, may have amazing power, but having his life spread across the big screen is not that interesting. So he holds a record of being the most frequent guest on the Tonight Shows and a few other talk shows, is in the news, put 200 people to sleep on the floor, always found his money in over 40 years as a performer, this doesn't equate to a great movie in my book. Not to say the movie didn't have funny moments or acting wasn't good, I would give this a C+ for the effort.

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