>> The Invention of Lying (2009)

Title: The Invention of Lying

Genre: Comedy

Starring: Ricky Gervais, Jennifer Garner, Jonah Hill, Louis C.K., Jeffrey Tambor, Fionnula Flanagan, Rob Lowe, Tina Fey

Director: Ricky Gervais

Studio: Warner Bros.

Runtime: 100 minutes

In Theatres: October 2, 2009

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Rating: 3.78 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B+

Official Site

Lying is something we all do, whether you notice it or not. What if we lived in a world without lying though? How different would things be? Welcome to the alternate reality that Mark Bellison lives in, a world in which no one can tell a lie. That is, until Mark becomes the first person in history to do so…

In this world, everyone tells exactly what is on their minds. This means that they all trust each other and believe what is said. It also means that everyone is frank so if they have something negative to say about you, they’ll tell it to your face and not give it a second thought.

Mark (Ricky Gervais) is your average writer but things start to go downhill when he is fired from his job. Suddenly, he gets the urge to say something that isn’t and thus, the lie was born. This proves to bring Mark much success and money so he continues to use this “power” to his advantage as no one else can lie. Eventually, things begin to snowball as his lies get larger and larger. Now he must find a way to fix everything and return to a sense of normalcy.

Initially, The Invention of Lying is hilarious. The film begins with a first date between Gervais and Jennifer Garner. The Beauty and the beast couple are forced to tell the truth so you can imagine what is going through both their minds. What’s awkward for them is quite humorous for us.

As the movie progresses, Mark gets a handle on what he can do with his newfound ability. He begins to learn that there’s more than just what can be seen and heard. The development of his character is very interesting. Of course, some could say the film is simply one big lesson for us to learn about lying and telling the truth.

One of the things that surprised me was the different actors that made appearances in the film. Jonah Hill, Tina Fey, Jason Bateman, Philip Seymour Hoffman, and even Edward Norton all have a cameo. It was great to see them, even if it was just for one scene. They added a nice variety to the humor of Gervais.

The Invention of Lying is a fun movie to watch. While it doesn’t keep up the strength it has in the beginning, it’s much better than the last film he starred in, Ghost Town. It’s a cute little movie that will have you laughing with a touch of compassion. 


The Invention of Lying

This movie starts out really funny, then it tones down for the rest of the movie and focuses more on the subject of lying. But there are still funny moments through out. Overall, it's an enjoyable movie to watch.

The Invention of Lying

Good movie. Slow in parts but overall very funny.
Good one to see.

not good

i had a problem with this movie. forgetting the fact that it makes fun of the beliefs of 95% of the people on the earth, but it couldn't even muster up any real humor to do so. Beyond it making fun of people who believe in God it felt like the movie was making fun of me for believing so. I am a HUGE ricky gervais fan. HUGE. i know he's an atheist and i couldn't care less what his beliefs are but this movie just didn't work.

i realize this is a fictionalized world but theres a difference between people not being able to lie and people who speak whatever is on their mind all the time without any filter or just not saying anything at all.

the funniest moments were in the trailer. skip this movie.

Invention of Lying

I thought this movie was stupid and totally agree with mggidymama's comments. The beginning was disrespectful and insulting to me. I work with the elderly as a therapist on a day to day basis and to present a nursing home as a place to put "old people you don't care about" (to paraphrase) was a lame attempt to get a laugh and not funny in the least bit. I walked out of the movie after 15 minutes. What I watched wasn't about lying at all. It was about being as rude as possible. Not a fun movie and not something I would recommend. :(


I agree that it was funny in parts and slow in others. I'd probably just rent it and skip going to see it in the theaters. I enjoyed Ghost Town much much better.

Sometimes it's not about lying

There is a bit of confusion about the lies in this movie. Sometimes, it's about speaking untrue statements, and sometimes it's about speaking your mind. There is a lot of rudeness aiming towards groups of people, like old people, gay people, unattractive people, unfit people, etc. If they cut all that out, it's an interesting concept for this movie. As it is, if you can over look the crude humors, it's an ok movie to watch, and there is a good story behind it, all packed into the character Mark Bellison - kind and sweet.

What was this movie about?

I understand the title of the movie but it was rather odd. I mean everyone lies and I don't think that there really was "the invention" of lying like the movie made it out to be. I liked Jennifer Garner in this movie alot!

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