>> Tropic Thunder (2008)

Title: Tropic Thunder

Genre: Action/Adventure, Comedy

Starring: Ben Stiller, Jack Black, Robert Downey, Jr., Nick Nolte, Steve Coogan

Director: Ben Stiller

Studio: Paramount

Runtime: 1 Hour, 46 Minutes

In Theatres: August 13, 2008

MPAA Rating: R

Rating: 4.13 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A

When a group of actors filming a war movie are tossed into the jungle to capture the realism of Vietnam, they get more real than ever thought possible. Led by Tugg Speedman (Ben Stiller), the group must escape the forest and a capture from the drug smuggling locals.  After wasting millions on this one film, first time director Damien Cockburn (Steve Coogan) makes one last attempt at getting things right by putting his actors where the danger is; the middle of a war zone. Action star Speedman, along with the big shot Academy Award winner Kirk Lazarus (Robert Downey Jr.) and comedian Jeff Portnoy (Jack Black), still believe they are filming the movie, never realizing the danger they are truly in until it is too late.

Ben Stiller is the man behind the film. Written, directed, and starring Stiller, Tropic Thunder isn’t afraid to be crude, controversial, and just plain funny. Each actor brings their own style of comedy to the screen. Robert Downey Jr. shines as the white man gone black. Always in character, he portrays all the typical stereotypes one can imagine yet is hilarious. Jack Black is his usual crazy dimwitted self who happens to be a drug addict as well, leading to some outrageous lines. What really makes this movie different from all the other comedies are the cameos. Now I won’t go and spoil everything but appearances by Tom Cruise, Toby Maguire, and Matthew McConaughey round out the already spectacular cast. Cruise is a highlight of the film, with his insane antics and crazy demeanor. With all this comedic potential in one film, it’s bound to be funny.

Usually movies within a movie are poorly written and never stick well with audiences. This happens to be the exception. None of the actors were afraid to hold anything back. The slapstick humor was some of the best I’ve seen in a long time. There were even some decent action sequences and explosions. While the film is nothing Oscar worthy, it’s excellent for a laugh. If you’re looking for something deep and meaningful then go see something else, but if you want to sit back, relax and enjoy a good comedy, then Tropic Thunder is for you.


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