>> When In Rome (2010) (2010)

Title: When In Rome

Genre: Romantic

Starring: Josh Duhamel, Kristen Bell, Danny DeVito, Will Arnett, Jon Heder, Dax Shepard

Director: Mark Steven Johnson

Studio: Touchstone Pictures

Runtime: 91 Minutes

In Theatres: January 29, 2010

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Rating: 4.45 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A+

Official Site

Upon a visit to Rome to see her little sister marry Beth, a reluctant loser at love, is charmed by the weddings best man. She decides to take a chance only to be shot down again. In retaliation against love itself she steals coins from a reputed Fountain of Love located in the town which gains her several suitors who have fallen under loves spell.

Let your worries fade as you consider director Mark Steven Johnson’s (Daredevil, Elektra) name attached to this film. It seems Johnson may have found his niche working the romantic comedy angle as When In Rome may very well be the first to claim the best romantic comedy title this year. Sure its starts off a little cliché. How many times can we possible hear the line “He’s right behind me isn’t he” without cringing? I know. I was worried too. However things just start to gather as the film continues. In this day and age of remakes, reboots, and unoriginal idea’s Rome is jam packed with very original and very hilarious comedy and extremely good chemistry.

Maybe it’s the way in which Kristen Bell seems to tiny compared to Josh Duhamel or the way in which they simply fit their dialogue and body language together. There is simply a number of factors that make their on-screen relationship believable. You can’t help but smile and be drawn in by the story thanks to that. The suitors in the film; Will Arnett, Dax Shepard, Danny DeVito, and John Heder all manage to add a certain depth of comedy that is unique to their characters and help the film overall keeping the laughs coming, and believe it or not the film keeps you laughing from start to finish. I was pleasantly surprised with this one after going in thinking that it probably wasn’t going to be that great. Hilarious, very sweet and romantic, and I loved the twist at the end. Definitely a must see this year. Enjoy.  


When in Rome

This is one of the best romantic comedies I have seen so far. Very cool twist at the end. I thoroughly enjoy this movie from start to finish.

Really funny

This movie was really funny. The entire audience was laughing. I would recommend to either go see it, or buy the DVD when it comes out.


A very nice romantic comedy. Will have you leving the theatre very lighthearted.

When in Rome

This was the worst romantic comedy I have ever seen. I cannot recommend it.

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