>> Gantz: The Complete Series (2011)

Show: Gantz

Season/Volume: The Complete Series

Genre: Anime

Starring: Chris Ayres, Shannon Emerick, Emily Carter-Essex

Studio: Funimation

Runtime: 650 minutes

Release Date: January 25, 2011

Format: DVD

Discs: 4

Rating: 3.82 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A-

Official Site


Interviews with Director Ichiro Itano, CG Director Yahuhiro Kato, Daisuke Namikawa (Kei Kurono), Hiroya Oku (Gantz Creator); Cast Talk featuring Daisuke Namikawa (Kuron), Masashi Osato (Kato), Hitomi Nabatame (Kishimoto) and Rakkyo Ide (Suzuki Alien); Japanese TV Spots; The Secret Behind the Impeccable Images of Gantz; Gantz Music Video; Textless Opening & Closing Songs

What began as just another normal day for high school students Kei Kurono and Masaru Kato ended up with them staring straight down the path of an oncoming train. Rather than dying though, they are transported to this mysterious room where this massive black orb called Gantz rests in the center.  

You see, Gantz has recruited them to play this "game" where they are given these nano-like suits that provide them with superhuman abilities and are sent on a mission to kill aliens that are deemed a threat. Those who survive the mission are given points based on how well they do. If someone earns 100 points they are granted their freedom. It's a dangerous game but those who play have no other choice.

Gantz is a twisted and gory anime that combines fast-paced action with a detailed look into the human psyche. You literally go into the mind of Kei and hear his thoughts. Sometimes they're drastically different than what he says or does. When hunting down these aliens, people will die. They will die in the most gruesome ways too. People will be torn in half with their guts spilling out into the streets. If you're squeamish at all, then this isn't the anime for you.

What makes Gantz so interesting is the fact that you never truly understand what is going on. There's always an element of mystery and each episode will keep you coming back for more. It can be a little confusing at times as well but if you stick with it, you'll be happy in the end. Gantz may be sick and twisted but you won't be able to take your eyes off the screen. It's something unique in a sea of stereotypical anime.

Follow me on Twitter @Majiesto


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