>> Ghost Hunters: Season 6 - Part 1 (BLU-RAY) (2011)

Show: Ghost Hunters

Season/Volume: Season 6 - Part 1

Genre: Reality

Starring: Grant Wilson, Jason Hawes


Runtime: 528 Minutes

Release Date: September 13, 2011

Format: BLU-RAY

Discs: 3

Rating: 1.95 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C

Official Site


Steve Gonsalves, Dave Tango and Amy Bruni are non-Rhode Island TAPS residents; Steve lives in Massachusetts; Tango in New Jersey and Amy in California.

Weather I want to be a fan of Ghost Hunters is irrelevant. My family loves all things paranormal and this is one show that they watch constantly, marathon runs even. Despite my skepticism for the paranormal this show has freaked me out on several occasions and it seems to be one that has the least bit of dramatics. There’s no tough guy antics trying to egg on ghosts, rarely ever is one of the TAPS crew so sure they are being contacted by ghosts that they scream their lungs out and run panicked through the darkness (cough cough Most Haunted cough). Matter of fact I respect these guys more because they tend to find ways of debunking most hauntings and only really get excited when they get some definitive proof (definitive being a loose term here). Unfortunately due to the way in which Ghost Hunters is filmed, lots of night camera’s and infrared camera’s, the high definition aspect of a Blu-Ray transfer is all but lost on the show. Its not a total loss but just don’t get your hopes up.

If you’ve ever seen Ghost Hunters then you know what your in for. The group likes to do all their investigating in the dark which means that all of the camera’s in use are night camera’s and your screen will be awash with a picture that struggles but all together loses against video noise. When your seeing the picture through the FLIR lens, forget about it. The only real time your going to get a decent picture is during the day as the episodes begin, the crew get their assignment, and they drive and meet their client for a walk through. Unfortunately even then the picture never truly hits that HD peak like your hoping. Colors are brilliant during the day but focus seems to strain, especially when your seeing the crew in their vehicles driving to and from their destination. Its just a mish mash of pretty decent to might as well be on DVD quality, but as I’ve seen all of these episodes on television there is obviously a higher quality where color and definition (where applicable) is concerned. Audio is decent as well. You get to hear the finds a lot clearer and there doesn’t seem to be any distortion or disturbance hindering your listening experience.

Nothing, zip, nada, zilch, zero. Because this is part one of a set maybe the bonus features are coming in the next set.



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