>> Grey’s Anatomy: Complete Fifth Season (2009)

Show: Grey’s Anatomy

Season/Volume: Complete Fifth Season

Genre: Comedy, Drama

Starring: Ellen Pompeo, Sandra Oh, Justin Chambers, Chandra Wilson, Patrick Dempsey, T.R. Knight, Eric Dane, Katherine Heigl, Kevin Kidd

Studio: ABC Studios

Runtime: 1080 minutes

Release Date: September 15, 2009

Format: DVD

Discs: 7

Rating: 2.36 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C+

“Grey’s Anatomy” is one of those shows that started out so very strong and then because they attempted to go bigger & better so quickly they often painted the story into a corner. Characters started becoming very whiney or changing completely; storylines would be started and rapidly dropped because it just wasn’t working. This season continues on with that. Callie is all of a sudden a lesbian (which to me the storyline was working). Then for whatever reason they get rid of her love interest and have her cling to Mark just to have her start thinking about a female intern (which they also get rid of), then back to Mark and finally settle her down with a new female doctor. They bring in a girl from Meredith’s past, I guess to give us a glimpse at Meredith’s fun side? But then they have her make all the interns go crazy, her know nothing about medicine, and rapidly quit. I honestly have no idea how they keep getting new actors for this show as they dispose of them so easily. For me there were only two shining moments about this season Jeffrey Dean Morgan (though I didn’t love the storyline I love him) and Kevin Kidd as Dr. Owen Hunt.

If you are still somehow hanging in there as a fan, season 5 ends with a huge cliffhanger (though based off of news of who has left the show & signed back one can kind of guess how it will all work out). There are a few signs of promise as some storylines are finally getting closure, leveling out, and characters are starting to gain their footing again. Bonus features for this release aren’t too bad either. About the only thing I really have a complaint about on this front is that when you choose play all on the first disc the first episode you get is not an episode. Instead it is “Grey’s Anatomy Starter Kit” which gives you are run through of storylines & characters; but come on if you are buying Season 5 you have to be a fan and already know all this. So why are they forcing you to watch it instead of just lumping it in with the rest of the bonus features?

If it wasn’t the addition of Kevin Kidd and the possible promise that the Meredith/Derek crap will finally be over this season would get a D from me; but I love Dr. Hunt so the grade gets a boost.

Bonus Features:
100th Episode Tales From The O.R. – Cast & crew interviews talking about getting to 100 and a look at the actual 100th episode

Heaven Sent – Talk about the character Denny including and interview with Jeffery Dean Morgan and about bringing him back to the show.

Dissecting Grey’s Anatomy Unaired Scenes (14 of them)

In Stitches Season Five Outtakes


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