>> Medium: The Fifth Season (2009)

Show: Medium

Season/Volume: The Fifth Season

Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, Sci-Fi/Fantasy

Starring: Patricia Arquette, Miguel Sandoval, Jake Weber, David Cubitt

Studio: Paramount

Runtime: 780 minutes

Release Date: October 6, 2009

Format: DVD

Rating: 3.39 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B+

Bonus Features

Script To Screen: Apocalypse…Now? (A look at filming that episode), Curious Maria (Maria Lark interviews people), The Making Of Medium: Season 5, Jake & Patricia Q&A

Allison Dubois is back again helping solve crimes with her dreams, all while trying to take care of her three daughters, spending some time with her husband, and trying to make ends meet. All of their daughters are dealing with their powers more as her eldest daughter Ariel has a few difficulties as she sees a girl who died that went to her school and it distracts her from the PSATs, Bridget is unable to stop drawing her teacher nude, and Marie starts cutting out winning stocks to make paper dolls. Allison also faces challenges as she has a stalker that believes she is the devil and even death will not stop his torments. But it is when she foresees the death of her family; Allison risks her life to keep dreaming long enough to save them.

I’ve seen a few season of “Medium” and this one seems to be on par with those. “Medium” has a mixture of danger, comedy, violent murders, loving family, stressful financial situations, and the supernatural. There is a predictable quality about it now being the fifth season; but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing if you are a fan. The murders and crimes Allison dreams about are for the most part very intriguing; but there are times where I wanted the characters to get to the answers faster as I could see what was coming. But overall the characters are interesting (the daughters are getting more and more so), the crimes are often up there with CSI’s, and having family drama along with some slight supernatural gives it somewhat of a unique trait.

Episode List:
Soul Survivor
Things To Do In Phoenix When You’re Dead
A Person Of Interest
…About Last Night
A Taste Of Her Own Medicine
A Necessary Evil
Truth Be Told
All In The Family
Then…And Again
The Devil Inside (Part 1 & 2)
How To Make A Killing In Big Business (Part 1,2, & 3)
The Man In The Mirror
The First Bite Is The Deepest
The Talented Ms. Boddicker
Bring Me The Head Of Oswaldo Castillo



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