>> National Geographic: Great Migrations (BLU-RAY) (2010)

Show: National Geographic

Season/Volume: Great Migrations

Genre: Nature


Runtime: 200 Minutes

Release Date: November 16, 2010

Format: BLU-RAY

Discs: 2

Rating: 4.40 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A+

Official Site

Great Migrations follows a variety of animals, insects, and aquatic creatures on their instinctual migrations that provide them with the opportunity to breed and feast, a traditional sequence that sometimes ends in their own death. Narrated by Alec Baldwin (30 Rock) National Geographic, in a time honored tradition, manages to grab nature on film at its most raw and beautiful bringing depth to every minute detail, from the flutter of beautifully designed butterfly wings to the simplistic form of river water as it threshes in a collision with itself at the edge of a small rock formation. This is an adventure four hundred and twenty thousand miles and three years in the making.

There are several different camera styles found in this series from handheld to highest caliber high definition camera so the quality varies. The majority of the series is beautiful marred only slightly by immense natural conditions such as a desert storm in Africa. There has always been a certain sense of artistic beauty in the way nature is captured on film in these documentaries, grabbing close up shots of animals in flight, on the attack, or wandering the vast ocean. The Blu-Ray quality seen here adds such a unique and awe-inspiring level of immersion to the experience it offers up a great intellectual connectivity you may have otherwise ignored. If life has taught me one thing its that there’s a difference between learning something and being there to receive a hands on education. This is as close as its going to get for most of us and the result is somewhat magical. Audio is pristine with an English DTS 5.1 soundtrack offering up a great companion for the visual in the audio.

*Science of Migration: A full length documentary on the further process of migration narrated by Peter Coyote.
*Great Migrations: Behind The Scenes: Again another full length documentary. This time NatGeo offers up a first hand look at how they were able to capture some of the most breath taking moments in the series. Narrated by James Byrne.
Dawn of the Ocean, Restrepo, and The Presidents Photographer: 50 Years In The Oval Office.
*More From National Geographic


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