>> Pie in the Sky: Series 2 (2010)

Show: Pie In The Sky

Season/Volume: Series 2

Genre: Drama

Starring: Richard Griffiths, Maggie Steed

Studio: Acorn Media

Runtime: 492 Minutes

Release Date: January 26, 2010

Format: DVD

Discs: 3

Rating: 1.82 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C-

Special Features

Only cast filmographies and biographies.

Semi-retired policeman Henry Crabbe (Richard Griffiths, The History Boys, Harry Potter) would rather be cooking than catching criminals. Unluckily for him, he happens to be good at both. His boss, Assistant Chief Constable Fisher (Malcolm Sinclair, Casino Royale) doesn’t want to lose him, and his accountant wife, Margaret (Maggie Steed, Shine on Harvey Moon), worries his new career as a restaurateur won’t be financially viable. So, while indulging his culinary passions, Crabbe remains on call for those particularly tricky cases that Fisher sends his way. Larger than life as he is, sometimes there just doesn’t seem to be enough of Crabbe to go around.

Pie in the Sky series 2 is a show I had no clue even existed no less there was 2 seasons of it. But there’s the description straight off the back of the case to prove that it does exist. There’s also the fact that I’ve now watched it to prove that it exists but that’s the extent of impact the show had on me. Richard Griffiths plays the policeman or detective or chef, I’m not really sure what he’s supposed to be. Through out the episodes the character Henry Crabbe seems like everything just seems to happen to him and then he somehow just get curious as to why it’s happening and then it’s over.

 There are times that it felt like I watched the episode without really watching anything that had content. One minute Henry Crabbe is sitting in the restaurant with his wife talking about cheese or food, next there’s a case to be solved, and then the episode was over. What happened? How did Henry Crabbe solve that case? I’m not sure. What I am sure of though is that I did get bored with watching the show. The acting wasn’t bad in the sense that they can’t act, they just act in a boring manner. To get a good sense of what I’m meaning, just go to some restaurant, find an older couple, and watch them talk about their day. They’re not acting, they are doing their every day life and this is the kind of acting that is done on Pie in the Sky.

 Maybe I couldn’t get into the show because of how they seemed to drag on a lot and there’s the lack of any energy. I’m not wanting there to be a fast paced chase scene that ends in an explosion and big fight. What I’m wanting is a show that has characters that have chemistry, characters that make a connection with me as I watch, and characters that have energy in their actions so that it’s not boring to watch. These are all lacking from Pie in the Sky. If I had something to say to the character Henry Crabbe, it would be to retire from being a policeman and become a full time chef because you just make one boring investigator.


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