>> Sekirei: Season One (2010)

Show: Sekirei

Season/Volume: Season One

Genre: Anime

Starring: Joel McDonald, Alexis Tipton

Studio: Funimation

Runtime: 300 minutes

Release Date: November 23, 2010

Format: DVD

Discs: 2

Rating: 2.36 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C+

Special Features and number of episodes

Ova-Kusano's First Shopping Trip, Textless Opening and Closing, and Trailers, and there is only a total of 12 episodes in the whole series.

Sekirei are players in the what is called The Game, where the Sekirei’s go into battle with each other until there is only one remaining. While out on a walk one day Minato has a girl fall from the sky to land on him. Before he can do anything he finds himself becoming her Ashikabi. Minato has no idea what is going on with this girl Musubi who has pulled him into a life where he has very buxom women having battles with each other in the middle of the streets and telling him that he’s now their controller. With all the secrecy that surrounds The Game Minato must learn all the rules and what to do along the way.

Sekirei has taken something that has been around for a while now, the idea of having a select group of people with powers getting into fights with each other until there is only one of them left. There’s not much of a difference from Sekirei and the other shows/movies with this plot other than the women in it wear next to nothing and a lot of time actually nothing at all. In between the fights the main character of Minato tries to deal with all the different Sekirei that he has become the Ashikabi to. This I really don’t know what it is, best guess I have to it is a semi like resemblance to being a master.

Aside from the times that the show has the sexual moments that don’t have no real reason of being in the show for any other reason than it being sexual, the show is actually decent enough. Each Sekirei must find their Ashikabi before they can release their full powers. This happens when the Sekirei kisses the Ashikabi and then wings sprout out of their backs, only these wings can’t be seen and aren’t always on them. I have no clue where they go or what the point of the wings are but there has to be a reason for them to be there.

One of the most annoying occurrence in Sekirei is the moments of confrontation or intimacy that the character Minato is put into and his reactions. Every time he has one of the girls show some interest in him or when he does see them scantly clothed he will freak out, get nose bleeds, pass out, or do all of the above. It’s fine to do it once or twice at the start but it seems to happen in every episode and this repetitiveness of this reaction is just annoying. The other thing that I found annoying was the floating head. What it is I don't know but it just seems to pop up from time to time and I just never learned why. But the most annoying aspect of this DVD set is when I put the disc into the player there is a trailer for another show but I was not given the option of skiping to the menu. When DVD's first came out one of the features that was given to them that was said to make them better than VHS was having the ability to skip right to the menu or movie without having to watch the trailers and previews at the beginning. Now even this has been taken away where I'm forced to have to sit through them. At least with a VHS tape I could fast forward if I wanted to but I can't even do that with these.

The art work in Sekirei is decent, nothing great but it’s not that bad. There are lot of moments where the movement looks like the drawing is done in blocks instead of making a fluid movement. What I mean is that when see the fights one frame will be of them standing apart then the next will be of one flying in the air or kicking but the movement between the standing and the kicking is not shown. Though with the way this show is drawn it’s not really needed.

I also got to say that the translation of this into English is done really well. If it wasn’t for the subtitles that pop up from time to time in Japanese and the times when there will be writing in Japanese shown around the environment on the show, I would say this was originally voiced with English.

Sekirei might be a little difficult to understand exactly what is going on at times but it is easy enough to follow the general idea of it, fighting. Why this so called Game happens, how it started, and pretty much all the other rules and reasons for it, I have no idea about, but I do get that they fight each other. This wouldn’t be a animation that I would pick if I had a choice but now that I have seen it I thought it was somewhat enjoyable.



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