>> Storage Wars: Season One (2011)

Show: Storage Wars

Season/Volume: Season One

Genre: Reality

Starring: Dan Dotson

Studio: A&E Entertainment

Runtime: 418 minutes

Release Date: August 30, 2011

Format: DVD

Discs: 3

Rating: 3.85 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A-

Official Site

Local Factoid:

For those of you living near Pineville and Fort Mill there will be two auctions on Thursday August 25 at 10 and 11 AM. If you've ever been interested do some poking around and make your reality show dreams part of your own reality. Good luck.

For those of you that know me you know that I have a complete and absolute hatred for reality television. What will surprise you is how addicted I got to Storage Wars when it fell into my work pile. In this reality show from A&E you have four groups of bidder: Dave, Darrell, Jarrod & Brandi, and Hollywood Barry. These four travel across the West Coast to storage auctions and try and outbid one another to buy units and score hidden treasures. The things they find range from impressive to flat out amazing and the dramatics of their encounters make for great television, aided by the outcome of each show and the tally of what each bidder finds and how much they make off of their finds. Everyone wears their hats: Dave is the villain, Jarrod the sucker and Brandi the one holding his leash (sort of), Darrell is the only real competition against Dave, and Barry is the noob who is more entertaining because he doesn’t take it as seriously. Damn you reality TV. For once you have me hooked.

Storage Wars Season One consists of 19 episodes nearing a complete 7 hours of show. There are no bonus features, which is a shame as eventually a new player gets tossed into the mix and only once do we get to see their find. Still, you definitely get your money’s worth with this collection, especially if your like me and have never seen it before. Besides the cost for the season runs a mere $16 @ Amazon so who can complain. Unfortunately there are no subtitles which is a bit of a bummer for the hearing impaired. In any case if you’re a fan of the show this bare bones collection should suffice. Maybe, just maybe, there’s such a thing as too much of a good thing and this minimal collection makes for perfection. As always final judgment is yours. Enjoy. 


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