>> The Fresh Beat Band (PREVIEW)

Show: The Fesh Beat Band

Episode(s): Stick Together

Genre: Kids

Starring: Yvette Gonzales-Nacer, Jon Beavers, Shayna Rose, Thomas Hobson

Network: Nickelodeon

Airdate/Time: August 14, 2009 12:00pm

Rating: 1.80 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C-

Official Site

Created by award winning Husband and Wife team Scott and Nadine Van Der Velde The Fresh Beat Band is reminiscent of pretty much every kids show done in the same basic idea. The spin here is that aside from the usual direction using problem solving skills and inspirational motto’s such as work together and being kind to one another kids learn music appreciation. Divided up among the characters there is singing, dancing, drums, guitar, keyboards, turntables, and more and while I’ve covered many kids shows like this one I’ve never seen one cast with so much purpose.

Yvette Gonzales-Nacer (Kiki), Jon Beavers (Twist), Shayna Rose (Marina), and Thomas Hobson (Shout) all come from a musical background including theater as well as musical training which includes both vocalization as well as instrument training. All four have experience in working television and film and there have even been nominations for awards as well as awards won. The placement of these actors and actresses is both strategic and comforting. Quality choices in short.

I saved off on watching this particular show so that I could grab a few of my nephews and nieces to gauge their initial response. To say the least it was not good. While I found the music top notch the kids were completely turned off by the characters themselves. My thought that the characters were to dumbed down even for smaller children was confirmed when the kids began to turn away from the television and find other things to do. When I asked them why they didn’t like the show their reasons reflected mine. Aside from the obvious pattern of bright colors and musical interludes which have popped up on shows like Imagination Movers, The Doodle Bops, and The Electric Company the spin, as mentioned earlier, was just diminished by how goofy the characters were, the hard to swallow scenario’s they found themselves in, and the way in which the characters conversed with one another. I can see this working as a live show at some theme park anywhere but for the small screen the level in which the show interacts borders insult even for preschoolers. Great music, players with potential to do just about anything, but a single episode viewing proved to be counter productive to what the show was trying to pull off. 


they should have pictures of Jon Beavers

they should have pics of Jon Beavers. i mean he's cute and all that but i searched and searched for his pics but you know what no pictures i was also going to create t a fansite for him, but noooo pictures

10 Month Old daughter

my daughter of 10 months old is overly excited when your show plays. she could be in a histerrical outrage if your show or even a commercial comes on it is instant silence and she starts dancing. i find myself dancing with her i have never had so much fun until my daughter started to watch you guys. keep up the good shows an keep them coming i will be looking for your cds and dvds in the future.


My nephew is 2 1/2 and LOVES

My nephew is 2 1/2 and LOVES this show!!! No matter what he is doing he can hear it across the house and runs in there to watch it. He gets mad when it goes off. Wish I could find a dvd for him. He would watch it all the time!

Can't Get Enough!

I couldn't disagree more with this review by AJ Garcia. It takes kids about 1-2 episodes to get into a show. My 4-yr old and 2 yr old can't get enough of this show. They watch at least two episodes p/day. My 4yr old will come up to me and ask me to play the show every day. My 2yr old daughter woke up this morning not saying "Good Morning Mommy" instead she said "Fresh Beat Band"! Thank God for DVRs but, can't wait for the DVDs. Get them out quick!

Kery, FL

Fresh Beats

I agree - my kids can't wait for this show to come on. They dance to the music and sing the songs all day long! They were so disappointed when they went from two episodes in a row to only one. They have never had such an interest in any other tv show. This certainly isn't like every other kids show according to my kids! I hope they get more episodes done soon so they can get a dvd out!

KIDS love this show!!!

This show isn't for adults - it's for kids!!! My children adore it, and I've been looking for something that shows older role models who aren't dating, plotting and back-stabbing. I don't want my preschoolers watching the shows about high school. This show gives them a chance to see teens without teenage issues. Is it the best acted or written show I've ever seen? Certainly not, but adults are not the audience. I really hope that Nick Jr. makes more of these, and I wish the parents who find it annoying would try to see it from the kids' point of view. I'll climb off my soap box now! LOL

My 2.5 year old LOVES them

She loves them!

Loves It!!!!

My 20 month old LOVES this show! As soon as he hears the intro music he stops what he's doing. This show holds his attention for the entire 20+ mins. He really seems to be enjoying shows with "real" people in them as opposed to animation. This is perfect for him!

my kids love it!

At first my kids didn't really seem to be getting into it. The day it aired in our area there were 4 episodes back to back. By the 2nd episode both my 3 1/2 year old and my 19 month old were dancing around, trying to sing even without knowing the words lol, and my son says, "Can I go to music school?" .. And at the end, the dance they do while singing about having a great day, my son now does the dance lol. I find myself at my job with the songs stuck in my head lol. And to comment on someone else's statement, John Beavers is pretty cute, all 6 feet and 5 inches or more of him lol

love them!!

My 5 year old loves them and sings their songs all day!! I even catch myself dancing and singing to them!! I have been looking for a CD/viedo for some time now!! If anyone can help me find one I would be so greatful!! thanks!!!!

I cannot watch this show!

My 2 yr old loves this show. However, I cannot stand watching it with her. Jon Beavers is the most horrible actor I have ever seen (even just for children). Everyone else on the show is great. They all look very natural. He, on the other hand, is so obnoxious & ridiculous!! He works too hard to entertain. He doesn't even look natural when he dances! He totally ruins the program.

Jon Beavers - have to say look again guys

Take a look at Jon Beavers and his antics and then go watch the young Dick van Dyke. Jon's antics are extremely similar to DvD in Mary Poppins as well as the Dick van Dyke show. Trying too hard? I don't think so. I think we should hope he has good writers for his future -- he has true talent. As for the "forced" speak...come on guys, it's a kids show!

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