>> Super Capers (2009)

Screening Date: March 14, 2009*

Screening Cities

-New York (NY)-

-Los Angeles (CA)-

Click city name for other movies screening in that location

In this sci-fi action adventure/comedy, superhero impersonator Ed Gruberman is forced to join the Super Capers, a misfit team of superheroes-in-waiting. He quickly proves himself in a fight against villains Cretan and Captain Sludge, but not before they escape with a fortune of gold bullion and Ed is blamed for the villains' escape and the missing gold. Ed and the team are arrested, and he soon learns that a vigilante TV star, a judge, a supposedly innocent mugging victim and his parents' bizarre deaths are all connected. The Super Capers must fend off the TV star's henchman when Ed saves the day by taking the Capers' Winnebago time machine and traveling back in time for the final showdown in his past.





We are sorry but we are no longer accepting requests for this screening. Please see our screenings page for other available movies...

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