
C: Control - The Money And Soul Of Possibility

 In these times of financial who-knows-what-will-happen-next ideology it’s very easy to find yourself invested in C-Control’s protagonist Kimimaro. Kimimaro is a college student who works two jobs to put himself through college.... Read more

Tenchi Muyo! Universe

Like most, Tenchi Muyo! was the first anime we’d ever seen on television, thanks to Cartoon Network. I’d come home off the graveyard shift, kick off my shoes, gab something to eat and flip on Tenchi. Even dead tired I’d be awake through the whole thing.... Read more

Deadman Wonderland

Ganta and his classmates can do nothing but talk about the upcoming field trip to Deadman Wonderland, a prison/carnival where the inmates act as the cast in, what they don’t know yet, some pretty gruesome entertainment.... Read more


Ga-Rei-Zero has one of the most interesting openingS to an anime I have ever seen. One minute you’re watching this awesome duo of motorcycle riding demon slayers cutting down zombies and giant monsters and the next, well, I’ll leave that for you to find out.... Read more

Hellsing Ultimate

Back when Hellsing, Like Full Metal Alchemist, began airing in its anime form, the manga edition for the series from which it was adapted was not finished. That being said the anime had to take liberties with the storyline in order to close out its run. Sound familiar?... Read more

Spice & Wolf

It’s not often that I am completely put off by an anime out of the Funimation camp. Sure, there are titles that I didn’t particularly like, but never one that failed to entertain me even in the slightest. That is until I watched Spice and Wolf. ... Read more

Ergo Proxy

 Ergo Proxy began, for me, as one of the most amazing sci-fi anime that I have seen in awhile. The series is sort of like a cross between Neon Genesis Evangelion, Blade Runner, and I Robot all put together. It takes place in a strangely bleak society named Romdo, shelled under a protective dome.... Read more

Oblivion Island: Haruka And The Magic Mirror

Sixteen-year-old Haruka is on a mission to find her mirror - a precious childhood gift from her late mother that has disappeared. On her search, she follows a strange fox like creature to Oblivion Island, a mystical world overflowing with once-cherished items taken from their neglectful owners.... Read more


The world of Fractale is one in which some humans choose to enter the world as dopples (think the 2009 Bruce Willis film Surrogates), computer animated versions of themselves.... Read more

Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt

I’d been following the announcements from Funimation about the release of Panty & Stockings with Garterbelt for sometime now and I was really excited when I found that the Limited Edition Boxset had fallen into my work pile.... Read more
