
Sacha Baron Cohen As Walter Mitty?

The next twist in the long development of a remake of The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty has just struck Hollywood – Sacha Baron Cohen is the latest name rumoured to be starring in the film, according to Pajiba.

Adapted from 1947’s Danny Kaye comedy, Walter Mitty is one of those movies that attracts major talent, but can’t ever seem to make it to the screen. First mooted in 1994 with Jim Carrey starring for New Line, it’s been passed like a brightly wrapped present at a child’s birthday present between studios and directors, with Paramount and DreamWorks both involved, Ron Howard briefly attached and Steven Spielberg making it one of the 73,000 films he’s planned to direct over the years.

Carrey dropped out, Owen Wilson became attached, and Spielberg just couldn’t find the time (he is, after all, a very busy man). And not to mention the screenplays – half the script doctors in LA and beyond have had their paws on it.

Now 20th Century Fox, which has had in languishing in the starting block for three years, is trying again, though without the last actor attached. Yes, Mike Myers, it seems, is apparently sticking with Austin Powers for now.

The new take on Mitty, which Peter Morgan has written, will apparently see the character switched from a bumbling, imagination-stuffed writer to the meek manager of a big box store. Our hero dreams of being a hero, and gets his chance.

And don’t go holding your breath – Baron Cohen has only been offered the role, and has yet sign anything…

Peter Oberth
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