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Karl Urban

Birth Name: 
Karl-Heinz Urban
Wednesday, June 7, 1972
Birth Place: 
Wellington, New Zealand

Originally from Wellington, New Zealand, Karl Urban now lives in Auckland. Born on June 7, 1972, he is the son of a leather goods manufacturer (who had hoped that Karl would follow in his footsteps). His first acting role was when he was 8 -- he had a line on a television series. However, he did not act again until after high school. He was offered a role in the NZ soap opera "Shortland Street" (1992), as he was preparing to attend Victoria University. After appearing on the series for the 1993-1994 season, he attended the university for one year, then left to pursue his acting career. Over the next few years, he landed several theater roles in the Wellington area. Eventually, he moved to Auckland where a number of guest roles in NZ television followed. One of his first roles was that of a heroin addict in the drama series "Shark in the Park" (1989). He was in a movie as well, entitled Once in Chunuck Bay (aka Chunuk Bair (1992)). Other television roles followed, including a guest starring role in the series "White Fang" (1993). Karl's biggest role yet is Éomer in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.


Karl Urban As Judge Dredd?

The idea of Karl Urban playing Judge Dredd in the new film started as a rumour, but it has quickly mutated into word of an offer, with Urban himself tracked down at Comic-Con to confirm that he’s now having serious discussions about the part.... Read more

Star Trek Back To IMAX Theatres For 2 Weeks

Due to popular demand, This Friday… JJ Abrams’ STAR TREK will re-launch into more than 89 IMAX theatres for an additional 2 week limited engagement.... Read more

Abrams' Star Trek to be remastered for IMAX

Paramount has announced a no-brainer.  The upcoming Star Trek reboot by JJ Abrams (Lost, Alias) will be released simultaneously on regular screens and digitally remastered in select IMAX theaters on Ma... Read more


Dredd 3D

Action movies these days tend to be a bit of a paradox of themselves. Great action movies are considered where the violence can take major precedence over the story, belitting character work down to almost non-existence.... Read more

And Soon the Darkness (Blu-ray)

llywood strikes again with this remake of a 40 year old film turning it into a cheap copy of the original and slotting it into the torture genre. The good news is that the film looks good, sounds good, and despite all of its clichés manages to give you half decent delivery. ... Read more

Star Trek (BLU-RAY)

5 years ago if you told me that I would not only watch but thoroughly enjoy a Star Trek movie, I would have told you that you are an idiot (no offense to hypothetical 5 year younger you).  JJ Abrams somehow managed to breathe new life into a failing and often laughed at franchise and turn it into... Read more

Star Trek

With the disappointment of Star Wars Episodes I-III and the failure that was Serenity its been quite a while since sci-fi geeks like myself have been able to champion a film that transcends all genres of film as well as reach out to a vast variety of people. What director J.J.... Read more

Star Trek

Space...the final frontier. For a series that has been considered the epitome of nerdy, J.J. Abrams has brought the Star Trek franchise to general audiences everywhere. It has been 7 years since the last Trek film (Nemesis) and Trekkies have been patiently waiting for their next fix.... Read more


Star Trek Into Darkness: Super Bowl TRAILER

Star Trek Into Darkness: Super Bowl TRAILER

Star Trek Into Darkness: Super Bowl TRAILER ... Read more


 Dredd FEATURETTE ... Read more


 Dredd TRAILER ... Read more
Dredd: Judgment TV SPOT

Dredd: Judgment TV SPOT

 Dredd: Judgment TV SPOT ... Read more
Dredd: Karl Urban INTERVIEW

Dredd: Karl Urban INTERVIEW

 Dredd: Karl Urban INTERVIEW ... Read more
