Fran Drescher

Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation

While on a vacation with his family, Count Dracula makes a romantic connection. ... Read more

Hotel Transylvania

Welcome to Hotel Transylvania Dracula's lavish five-stake resort where monsters and their families can live it up and no humans are allowed.... Read more

Hotel Transylvania

Halloween is almost upon us and with the holiday comes a slew of horror and psychological thrillers that are sure to give eager moviegoers a scream.... Read more

The Nanny: The Complete Third Season

Personally I find Fran Drescher to be quiet annoying; but I gave the show a shot and really it wasn’t that bad, in fact some things were even funny.... Read more
The Nanny Season 3

The Nanny Season 3

Personally I find Fran Drescher to be quiet annoying; but I gave the show a shot and really it wasn’t that bad, in fact some things were even funny.... Read more

The Nanny

Personally I find Fran Drescher to be quiet annoying; but I gave the show a shot and really it wasn’t that bad, in fact some things were even funny.... Read more