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Leonardo DiCaprio

Scorsese Planning To Remake The Gambler

After successfully teaming up for Oscar-grabbing crime drama remake The Departed, Martin Scorsese and writer William Monahan are looking to reunite for another reboot, with plans to make a new version of 1974 pic The Gambler.... Read more

DiCaprio Considering Creed Of Violence

It’s been a few years since Leonardo DiCaprio strapped on the spurs for Sam Raimi’s The Quick and the Dead, his last time venturing into the dusty deserts of the Western genre. But with Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained (admittedly not a pure example of the films), he’s getting back to it.... Read more

Could DiCaprio Say A Star Is Born

While the announcement that Clint Eastwood would be taking over the director’s chair for the long-gestating new take on A Star is Born was a shocker, it’s not that surprising to learn that he’s now been talking to Leonardo DiCaprio about possibly starring in the film alongside Beyonce.... Read more

Leonardo DiCaprio in Talks for Quentin Tarantino Film

Leonardo DiCaprio is in early talks to play one of the lead villains in Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained, a spaghetti Western about a slave in the Old South who teams with a German bounty hunter to search for his wife.... Read more

IMAX: Hubble

IMAX: Hubble is the DVD release of Hubble 3D and while lacking the third dimension of its theatrical counterpart it remains a stunning look at the stars and how we view them.... Read more

IMAX: Hubble

IMAX: Hubble is the DVD release of Hubble 3D and while lacking the third dimension of its theatrical counterpart it remains a stunning look at the stars and how we view them.... Read more

Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio Reteaming for 'The Wolf of Wall Street'

Martin Scorsese has come back on to direct The Wolf of Wall Street in his latest collaboration with star Leonardo DiCaprio. Sopranos writer Terry Winter wrote the adaptation of Jordan Belfort's memoir.... Read more


There's no question that Inception is one of the best movies to come out of 2010. Director Christopher Nolan puts together a spectacular psychological thriller that will both amaze and confuse you.... Read more

Leo DiCaprio Takes JFK Story

The assassination of US president John F Kennedy is one of those subjects that never seem to stop cropping up like a whack-a-mole in our culture.... Read more

Leonardo DiCaprio Starring In, Producing 'The Devil in the White City'

Erik Larson’s acclaimed novel The Devil in the White City is getting another shot at the big screen, this time with the help of Leonardo DiCaprio and his Appian Way shingle.... Read more
