Sam Worthington

Jessica Chastain joins Sam Worthington film

Jessica Chastain has booked the female lead opposite Sam Worthington in "The Fields," a thriller being directed by Ami Canaan Mann. Jeffrey Dean Morgan is also in the project, which is being produced and financed by QED.... Read more

Fox mulling 'Avatar' summer re-release

Get ready for "Avatar"-plus. James Cameron and Fox are in discussions about rereleasing "Avatar," primarily in 3D theaters, in late summer -- and, tantalizingly, with additional scenes that had been left on the cutting-room floor in the rush to ready the epic for its Dec. 18 release.... Read more
Clash Of The Titans Trailers

Clash Of The Titans Trailers

Clash Of The Titans Trailers ... Read more

'Avatar' DVD and Blu-ray to Arrive on Earth Day

If you've been wanting to take a return trip to Pandora, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment has you covered. James Cameron told The Wall Street Journal the company will release his mega-blockbuster, Avatar, on Blu-ray and DVD this April 22nd.... Read more

Jeffrey Dean Morgan Off To The Fields

Jeffrey Dean Morgan’s in demand again, signing on to Ami Canaan Mann’s murder mystery The Fields to star alongside Sam Worthington. Worthington’s playing a Texas detective investigating murders in the industrial areas around the refineries with as many as 70 victims buried in the area.... Read more

Sam Worthington to play Dracula?

Latino Review is reporting that Avatar/Terminator Salvation star Sam Worthington is set to star in a reboot of the Dracular franchise.  Per their source: Today, Tuesday is literally D Day- Dracula Day.... Read more


James Cameron, the man behind such masterpieces as Terminator, Aliens, and Titanic, had an idea in 1994. This idea would involve computer generated actors and would cost somewhere in the range of $100 million to make. This idea was Avatar.... Read more


A paraplegic ex-marine finds a new life on the distant planet of Pandora, only to find himself battling humankind alongside the planet's indigenous Na'vi race in this ambitious digital 3D sci-fi epic from Academy Award-winning Titanic director James Cameron.... Read more
