TV Show: Disney's TaleSpin & Darkwing Duck
Season: Volume 1

Studio: Disney
Release Date: October 3, 2006
Review By: Justin Anthony

  As is the normal for TV cartoons releasing on DVD, the quality is not great.  I guess spending the money to remaster hours of cartoons doesn�t make much business sense but it would still be nice to see some of these cartoons get the same treatment as the bigger theatrical cartoon movies in Disney�s vaults.  The quality is almost as good as watching recordings on video tape without the station branding in the corner.  So, with the quality check out of the way, onto the DVDs themselves�


TaleSpin: It�s great to catch up on a cartoon that I haven�t seen since I was a kid, including the rarely seen 4-episode pilot but the DVD set itself is nothing great, and is barely a step up form buying bootlegs on eBay.  The thin slipcases are annoying, the artwork is weak and there aren�t any special features to speak of.  So, aside from nostalgia and having an actual DVD set on your shelf, this is hardly worth it to the passing fan. (2.06) C

Click here to buy the TaleSpin DVD Set in our store - ON SALE NOW!

Darkwing Duck: This is one that I never fully got into, even as a kid.  I think it came at the tail end of my kiddyness (that�s right) but I figured I would give it a chance as and adult in the mind frame of a kid, or something.  This was a spin-off from my favorite Disney cartoon series, Duck Tales.  Unfortunately for Duck Tales fans, the similarities to a spin-off are few and far between.  But, that�s not to say it�s a bad show.  Quite the contrary as a matter of fact.  There already was a Duck Tales so a second helping was not needed and would have diluted the mixture.  No, Darkwing Duck is a series all its own.  A little darker than it�s predecessor but no less comical in it�s mischief (with the help of fellow Duck Tales� alum Launchpad.).  (2.36) C+

Click here to buy the Darkwing Duck DVD Set in our store - ON SALE NOW!

Final Word: Surprisingly enough, Darkwing Duck holds up better over time than TaleSpin and, if it weren�t for the lack of special features and the poor transfer quality, these DVD sets would be up in the B-range instead of C.

-Justin has been a writer for since 2004.  Contact her at

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