>> The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day TRAILER

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THE BOONDOCK SAINTS II: ALL SAINTS DAY is the continuation of writer/director Troy Duffy’s tough, stylized cutting edge saga of the MacManus brothers played by Norman Reedus (American Gangster, Pandorum) and Sean Patrick Flanery (Powder, Suicide Kings). While in hiding with their father, Il Duce (Billy Connolly), the brothers learn that a beloved priest has been killed by sinister forces from deep within the mob and return to Boston to mount a violent and bloody crusade to bring justice to those responsible.  Rounding out the cast is a new partner in crime (Clifton Collins Jr., Star Trek, Extract) and a sexy FBI operative (Julie Benz, TV's “Dexter”, Rambo).


Oh Damn

As much as I kind of lost the love for the original, what with all the controversy surrounding it, this looks cool.


I can't wait for this! This will be one of the few movies I actualy go see in theaters.

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