>> What Summer of 2012 Holds for Comic Books and Character of Week 18

What Summer of 2012 Holds for Comic Books and Character of Week 18


This summer bids well for comic books and comic book related things. I’ll start with one that I look forward to each year and only happens once a year.

Yep I’ve already talked about it but I’m going to say it again on this Fridays blog as well as May 4’s blog because FCBD happens on Saturday May 5, 2012.
Now if you think that the day is only about getting some free comics, you’d be wrong. Granted it’s a huge portion of why you should check it out, but there are other things that will make the day fun. One being the creators of the comics doing signings and appearances at comic shops around the world, yes I said WORLD! Free Comic Book Day happens in Canada, Puerto Rico, Singapore, and London, well at least shops that will have creators doing signings, but I’m guessing that if there are shops in these areas where there will be signings that means there will be shops with no signings but hosting the FCBD. Here’s a listing of all the signings.

Ok, number 2 for this summer that’s big for comic books are the movies. Here’s the list of the big block buster movies starting with the one that comes out next Friday May 4 2012.
The Avengers, if you don’t know about this one by now you don’t watch tv or have the internet in which case you’re not reading this so I’ll move on to the next movie.

The Amazing Spider-Man opens July 3, one that I myself am looking forward to a whole lot.

The Dark Knight Rises opens 20, I really hope Bane breaks the Bat.

Men in Black 3 opens May 25, most don’t know it but Men in Black was a comic book first before a movie.

GI Joe Retaliation open June 29, they have ninjas fighting on a mountain side, good enough to get me to go watch it.

Now for what will be happening in comic books this summer that will be big and first off starts with my favorite character, Spider-Man.
Ultimate Comics Spider-Men, it was announced that the event that was said was never going to happen in Ultimate Comics is going to happen, Earth 616 Spider-Man is going to go to the Ultimate Comics world where Peter Parker will meet Miles Morales. What’s going to happen in this mini series I have no clue but I’m going to guess that one thing that will come out of it will be Peter Parker showing Miles Morales how to make webs or giving him web shooters.

DC Comics New 52 Wave 2 will be coming out with the six new titles and I’m wondering if any of them will make it long enough to pass over into a Wave 3 (that I’m going to guess is going to happen when DC wants to give another change up). The only one that I think might have a little chance of surviving is Earth 2 and World’s Finest. Though Batman Incorporated is coming out and I will be buying it, I just don’t see the need of another Bat title.
Avengers vs. X-Men, alright technically this one has already started it’s still going to roll over into the main portion of the Summer. This is going to be big, or at least it’s been said that it would be, but just by having 2 of the biggest super teams going against each other is a big event.

Also, it’s going to be the 50th anniversary of Spider-Man in August. That’s huge, for a character to not only still be around after 50 years but to remain as popular and loved as he is. Go Spidey!


Matt Murdock is one cool character that has always been a fun comic to read for many reasons. One he has a really cool costume, come on you got to like that all red, horned mask, red eyes suit he has, especially the DD on his chest, though my favorite was the red and yellow suit.

Not only that but his powers are really cool. So he can’t lift a car over his head, fly, or punch through steel like it’s butter, but what he can do is pretty amazing. He’s one of the few characters that is very hard to hit because he can use his super senses to know when and where it’s coming from and he has some mad fighting skills. Not only that but he has extreme respect from the hero community as well as being someone that Spidey considers a friend. Another reason DD is so cool is that the stories in his title have always been fun to read without it just being about him fighting bad guys. Oh he does do that and his bad guys usually involve ninjas (which is always a plus) but he has the law side to his character that make his stories have more depth to them. Daredevil is just one cool cat.


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