>> Alex Russell: The Interview (Almost Kings)

Film: Almost Kings

Talent: Alex Russell

Job: Actor (Hass)

Airdate/Time: June 12, 2012

Studio: Breaking Glass Pictures

Official Site

Interesting Tidbits

Alex Russell is set to also appear in the remake of "Carrie."

Alex Russell is best known for starring in the blockbuster hit “Chronicle,” where he played Matt Garetty. However, before even filming that movie, he played Hass, an enforcer and a playboy for an elite group of high school kids known as “The Kings” in the critically acclaimed movie “Almost Kings.” The movie is set to be released on DVD on June 12th, it was chosen as the official selection for numerous film festivals, and it won the Netflix “Find your Voice Competition” in 2009. Personally, I had the chance to watch “Almost Kings” and thought it was a surprisingly raw and eye-opening movie that I enjoyed and highly recommend. Shakefire had the chance to chat with Alex about “Almost Kings,” “Chronicle,” and the possibility of starring in the sequel to “Chronicle.”


Shakefire: Hi Alex! How are you doing today?

Alex Russell: I’m doing great Paul! How about you?

Shakefire: I’m doing really good, thanks. I know we don’t have a lot because you are a busy person, but I’ll try to get through as many questions as I can.

Alex Russell: You take your time Paul.


SF: Thanks man! Well, I was wondering, who were your role models growing up?

AR: I know this is doing to sound cliché, but I have to honestly say my role model growing up was my dad. He was someone I always looked up to and strived to be just like or at least close to it.


SF: I bet your dad would be proud to hear that. How did you actually get involved with acting?

AR: I started community theater and performing in musicals locally in the town I grew up in, Rockhampton. I then went to drama school in Sydney and started acting professionally shortly thereafter.


SF: I had a chance to watch a streaming screener of “Almost Kings” and I thought it was a great movie. It was not what I had expected after reading the synopsis. What was it about the movie and you character, Hass, that attracted you to this project?

AR: I really enjoyed The  brotherhood and the boysiness or the whole movie. As for Hass, I really liked his character in particular because I saw the connection with him. He was a loose cannon and very unpredictable. He was ready to pounce at any minute.


SF: In your opinion, how similar or different are you to Hass?

AR: I think we are extremely different. There are few similarities between us. The one thing I think we do have in common is that we both like to make people do good things and can spread joy and positive vibes to everyone around them.


SF: That’s good to hear. Do you have any upcoming projects we should be on the lookout for?

AR: I actually got a role in “Carrie” remake. I’m not sure when that will be released in theaters.

I am playing the character named Billy. We start production on that movie in about a month.


SF: Also, I just watched “Chronicle” this week and I thought it was an awesome more. Any word yet on the sequel to “Chronicle?” Will you be in the sequel and are there any details you can tell me about?

AR: Well, Max is writing the script and everyone is just waiting on him to complete it. My character, Matt, is coming back in the sequel for sure. I am just waiting to hear what the next step is for me. It does sound like all things are full speed ahead though. He might have some spoilers, but I don’t have any exact details at the moment. The movie in itself is a thing in Chronicle 2 and the world has changed drastically changed.


SF: I can’t wait to check out both of those movies. This might sound like a dorky question, but what super powers would you want to have and why?

AR: This might sound like the easy or the expected answer, but I really do want the power of telekinesis, especially after “Chronicle.” You can see all the cool things you can do with it. Then again, the ability to control time would be cool and useful too.


SF: Lastly, Who are a couple of your dream co-stars that you would love to work with in the future?

AR: Wow! I have a whole laundry list of names. Let’s see, there is Leonardo Dicaprio, Daniel Day Lewis, Sir Anthony Hopkins, Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, and Matt Damon. I guess that’s all of them. Who wouldn’t want to work with all of these great actor? I know I definetly would anytime on any project.


SF: That was great man! Well, Alex, I know you have a bunch of other interviews lined up. Thank you for taking the time to talk with me today and I can’t wait for your new movies and projects.

AR: Thank you Paul! Hope you have a good day and thanks for the chat!




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