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Sexy Delicious: Too Hot To Bother

Too Hot To Bother

(Sexy Delicious)
Release Date: 
Friday, July 26, 2013

Who is Sexy Delicious? No that's not a pick up line or my ego trying to assert itself but the name of a band that has released their second album. Too Hot To Bother is the title to their second album where they play what they have called gangster jazz. This is the first time that I've heard of that style of music so I can't say that this is the definitive version of gangster jazz or that this is how it's supposed to sound but I can guess by the name that it's supposed to mix an intense, gangster style rap to jazz music. Sexy Delicious cotains Jamie Quinn doing vocals and the guitar, Benny James strumming out on the bass and back up vocals, percussions thumped out by Dapper Dan Horvath (by the way I like the name Dapper Dan), and the keyboards being played by Jesse Monson.
As I said, this is the first time that I've listened to this style of music, so I'm not even sure if this is what gangster jazz is supposed to sound like. If I where to take a guess, I would say that this is more on the lines of just rap/jazz/R&B music with an edge at times. One thing that's missing that would make it gangster is the gangster part. I don't hear any real edge, toughness, in your face, get out of my face/way intensity that would make it gangster. Gangster is supposed to be really tough and raw but it's just not in their music. They try, I can give them that, they really do try to have that raw edge in their songs but it's just not there, almost, but not fully. What they do have though, is the jazz/R&B portion of the songs. This is their talent, it's what makes the music have some good beats.
When the first song, “Crack, Crack” played it was not a good opening to this album. It's rough, it's lyrics are more on the funny side than the gangster side, but the part that stands out the most on the song is when the lyrics say “Welcome to the best 12 tracks we could possibly come up for you”. No, I'm not saying anything about it being the best they can come up with, but it's the 12 tracks part that has me wondering. I have the disc, I've listened to it, I have it on my iTunes, and I've looked on Amazon.com, there's only 11 tracks. Did they make a mistake and think there are 12 tracks, was there a recording error where one is now missing, or did they forget to do a song? I don't know what happened to that twelfth song but as for the 11 songs that are on there, there are only really 2 songs that I just didn't like. “Crack, Crack” being the first and “Dollars In My Pocket”. First song I don't like because the talking instead of actual singing is annoying and “Dollars In My Pocket” has way too much repeating of the title “Dollars In My Pocket”. Aside from these two songs, the rest of the ablum is somewhat decent. They can play jazz well, there's a nice experimenting of different sounds being used and some formats of how songs are being put together, and the vocals are decent but they just don't have the raw edge.

Lee Roberts
Review by Lee Roberts
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