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The Call

The Call

In Theatres: 
Mar 15, 2013

So often in film we see police reporting to 911 calls, but rarely do we see the viewpoint of the 911 operator who actually takes those calls. They’re the ones who are talking directly with the victim or whoever else may be calling for help. They’re the ones who have to listen to people’s cries for help. They’re the ones who have to do this every day.

Halle Berry stars as Jordan Turner, a 911 operator who has taken one call too many when a young girl is abducted by a kidnapper while on the phone with her. When she is found murdered days later, Jordan blames herself and relinquishes her position. Unfortunately, her past catches up to her when another girl calls saying she’s been abducted. Jordan must confront her fears and save this girl before the killer can strike again.
The Call wonderfully crafts a suspenseful thriller that hinges on its main antagonist. Michael Eklund plays the kidnapper and his portrayal is as disturbing as it is insane. One minute he’s charming and all nonchalant, and the next minute he can be in a psychopathic fury. For him, it’s a game of cat and mouse.
Jordan is the mouse in this case as she makes it her personal vendetta to catch this killer. There’s a whole Silence of the Lambs feel to the film, especially in the third act where Jordan finally confronts the killer face to face. There’s a constant anxiety in knowing that this young girl, played by Abigail Breslin, could die at any moment. Or she could be rescued. She’s always on the verge of one or the other, and it’s that which keeps the filming interesting.
If you can suspend your disbelief for an hour and a half, The Call is a great thriller that doesn’t attempt to scare audiences with cheap tricks or scare but with pure adrenaline-fueled fear. It’s story could use a little work, but in the end it gets the job done.
Matt Rodriguez
Review by Matt Rodriguez
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