>> RuneScape: Betrayal at Falador (2010)

Title: RuneScape: Betrayal at Falador

Author: Tom S. Church

Genre: Science Fiction/Fantasy

Publisher: Titan Books

Pages: 400

Release Date: October 12, 2010

Rating: 4.22 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A

Based off of

This book is based from the fantasy game RuneScape

Being a Knight of Falador is not an easy task. With having to protect the lands and people of the Kingdom of Asgarnia, the Knights will face threats that come from every direction, even ones from within their own ranks. With their enemies building an army that will tear apart the lands and the Knights, hope seems to be lost to all except for Squire Theodore. Having the courage that being a young, upcoming knight can only have, Theodore sets out on an adventure that he never expected to be taking in his life. This adventure will lead him to finding new friends, new enemies, and finding the girl Kara-Meir.

RuneScape, Betrayal at Falador is a book that is easily described as being a fantasy book and nothing else. Betrayal at Falador is the first book that's based off the game RuneScape which is taking place in the world that is presented from the game. There’s knights, castles, well a castle, evil men wanting to dominate the land, werewolves (yes werewolves), and of course wizards. Betrayal at Falador is a very easy book to read. Not in a bad, simplistic way, but as in, the flow makes it easy to read. Even though there is a lot going on this story it’s easy to following along with it. At no time did I get confused with the plot or the characters. Books are supposed to have a straight line flow to the story where you start at the beginning and finished at the end. Some however don’t give this easy flow to their stories. Some books like to have the story jump around so much that it takes some deep concentration to be able to follow along with it and to remember who is doing what in it. Betrayal at Falador does not do this. Sure it jumps around some but it jumps from the different characters to allow the reader to find out what they are doing. These jumps also stay in line with the story. The best way I can describe these jumps is to say that it feels like a movie where the scene goes from what’s happening at one scene with the characters and then getting cut to a new one without disrupting the flow.

This is actually really important for this book because a lot is happening in it. There are battles happening, the characters are running from one town to another and then back to the last one before heading off to meet up with new characters. All this action if wrote wrong could ended up being really confusing and making the story hard to follow and worst yet making the book unreadable. Not so with Betrayal at Falador. I was able to follow along with the story without one time having to flip back a few pages or chapters to try to remember what had happened.

All of the characters are fleshed out to the point that they feel like they are people that I know. While reading I was getting the same feeling of honor as Theodore was becoming a better squire and even getting angry at the enemy that causes so much pain in all the characters. Though there are a few characters that I would have liked to have read more about, like Doric the dwarf. His character is one that was fun to read but he was not in it enough to become more than a side character who appears at just the right moments and only for short periods of time.

The format of how the book is wrote is also what makes it easy to read. Each chapter is only a few pages long. Because of these short chapters I was able to put the book down when I needed a break while not having to worry about stopping in the middle of the action. Still, even with short chapters, the main story being told in the chapter is separated into it’s own section so that one plot will happen and will end giving another chance of getting a break. What T.S. Church has done with having these short chapters and breaks in the chapters is leaving the reader with wanting more. Long chapters that take awhile to get through will get boring and will only make me want to stop reading, inside of Betrayal at Falador I was reading chapters that I finished quickly but was left with wanting more to read. So with this kind of writing I would end up reading for 2 hours without realizing that I had just read that much but still I would want more.

But the most important part of RuneScape Betrayal at Falador is all the action that happens in it. It's all the battles between the werewolf vs dwarfs, knights going out to fight against an army, that keeps the story flowing making the story exciting to read. There’s fighting from the start of it till the end where a huge battle happens that lasts for many chapters. Though the book is not just all fight scenes, even that can get boring. There's a whole underlying plot with the wizards that I found extremely interesting while making a lot of sense in the way it's told. By the time I reached the end of the book I found it impossible to put the book down. I wanted to know how this battle that Kara-Meir was in was going to end, I was wondering if she would turn out to be an enemy to the Knights of Falador or would she end up fighting on their side. By the end I was happy with how the story was finished and wrapped up, though there is one scene at the end with the character of the sybil that I do not like and think it was needless to have such an plot put in but for the rest of the book I enjoyed it quite a bit. Having these characters seem so real that even the good guys have flaws made this an enjoyable read and at no point in the 400 pages of this book did I get bore or tired of reading it. Betrayal at Falador is a fun, easy, and enthralling book to read from start to finish and it will get me looking for more from T.S. Church.



I used to play this game when my Everquest subscription ended. Nice little game. Didn't know they had books till now.

And I never knew there was a

And I never knew there was a game until I read this book. But from what I saw this is the only book based off the game but it's supposed to be cannon.


excellent book i hope you create more of these!

Book 2

There is another book coming out March 22, 2011 called RuneScape: Return to Canifis (Runescape 2). Here's the description of it from Amazon.

Varrock is the greatest human city in the world, yet it is a city filled with dangerous secrets. People have been disappearing, taken by an inhuman abductor. Its victims are murdered...or worse. For some are spirited away to Morytania, the land where vampires rule. As Kara-Meir and her friends--heroes of the Battle of Falador--gather for the Midsummer Festival, unrest grows against the crown. A conspiracy is unmasked, and the King is forced to send representatives across the holy river to Canifis, the capital of Morytania. For reasons of his own, he selects the now famous heroine Kara, as well as Gar’rth, unique in his knowledge of the land of the dead. They are accompanied by Theodore, Doric the dwarf, the wizard Castimir, and the barbarian priestess Arisha, on a mission that will force Gar’rth to confront his violent heritage, and will reveal secrets that will test their loyalties to the limit.
For the price of failure in Morytania is far worse than death, and if their mission fails then a new King will rule in Varrock. A King who is lord of both the living and the dead.
RuneScape is the world’s most popular free MMORPG.

Book 1

I am a massive fan of runescape, and my heart jumped when I heard that the first book is coming out (Betrayel Falodor). It was an EPIC book and it felt so interesting. However I did find out that there was a few spelling mistakes, and that kind out put me off as it seemed unproffessional and it didn't feel like it was a book. On the other hand I actually did like the story line and the plot but the thing that put me off was the spelling mistake. So please when you make the nest edition of the book, correct the spelling mistakes.


HOW dare you mock ts church!. You have the nerve to say things like that. Apology to him NOW!!!!!!!!!!

Ts Church if you have read waht that little boy just has said to you take no notice of him for he has some problem with bookss

Book 1 (reply to previous quote)

Previous wrote - "HOW dare you mock ts* church!.* You have the nerve to say things like that. Apology to him NOW!!!!!!!!!!

Ts Church if you have read waht* that little boy just has said to you take no notice of him for he has some problem with bookss"*

A little boy I am, first you probably didn’t read my post. I said a point that gave 2 side of the story. I admired that book and I gave suggestion in improving so that next time he re writes the book; he can make it to the best. And secondly I am sure Ts Church didn’t mind what I said…also why should I apologise, I have the freedom of speech in the human right under article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and recognized in international human rights law. I can say things of my opinion. And little boy…look who is talking, you made 4 spelling mistake, I’m sure not even a 3 years old can do that…what does that make you? I see you must be a major fan of Runescape….or of Ts Church…?

I have quoted your speech and put stars where there is a spelling mistake. If you can’t see then…where it says ‘ts’ – it’s Ts. And you can’t put exclamation mark and a full stop together. Also tell me how do you spell what?

Thanks for the review.

I've just checked this site for the first time in years (there's a link to it on my site - www.tschurch.com). I'm really glad you liked the book, and I hope you were satisfied enough with the first to read the second and third: Return to Canifis and then Legacy of Blood.

Any mistakes in the books are mine - though of course all editions were professionally edited and then proofread, but when you spend so much time working on something it's amazing how hard it becomes to see the 'wood from the trees' so to speak. You actually find you are reading what you thought you had written, and not always what you have actually written.

I hope you will be pleased to note that from now on I will take a more pro-active role in communicating with fans of the books. I am currently in the process of setting up a Facebook page (TS Church), and Twitter too (TS Church).

Thanks again!


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