>> American Me: III (2012)

Artist: American Me

Album: III

Members: Brian Blade, Tony Tataje, Cameron Bledsoe, Duncan Allen

Genre: Metal, Other

Label: Rise Records

Tracks: 10

Release Date: August 14, 2012

Discs: 1

Rating: 2.82 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B-

If I could write a review for the hardcore metal band American Me like the way they sing their songs it would go a little like this. THISALBUMWASONEINTENSESETOFSONGSTHATHADMEGRITTINGMYTEETHANDTHROWINGMYHEADANDHAIRAROUNDLIKEACRAZEDLOON. Now read that in a loud, fast, angry voice and that’s what it would sound like if I were telling this to you in person instead of typing it out. American Me is a hardcore metal, maybe death metal, though they have concrete listed as a genre on their facebook page (not sure of that style since it’s the first I’ve heard of it), but one thing that the album III is not, is boring.
American Me should feel a little honored that today, my first Sunday that’s my official day off from work and not one where I’ve had to request off up to 6 months in advance, or one of the single digit Sundays I’ve had off in 6 years where I’m not at a convention or doing some other job, that I spent today listening to their music as I sat on my deck relaxing and enjoy a new perfect weather day. Though I got to say that when I started to listen to this ablum I didn’t really think I was going to listen to it more than once today because I was wanting something I could just sit back and jam to as I let the sun slowly journey its way across the sky. That was around 5pm when I started doing that, it’s now 8pm as I sit here writing this review and I’m still listening to the album III. It’s only 10 songs at 22.8 minutes long, do the math, 3 hours, 23 minutes, that’s right at 8 times that I listened to this album, in a row.
So that’s a long way of saying that the band is good right. Here’s something that I realized before writing this review, that I figured that I enjoyed the album because the weather was great and I had a day off that was first unexpected and it was a day off after working nearly 3 weeks of insane hours and days. Then I realized that idea wasn’t the case because I was wanting that mellow music to help my day be mellow but what I got was a set of songs that where quite intense and powerful. Tony Tataje has a very strong and good voice that makes his vocals work well with the quick beats of the instruments. Most of the times I didn’t understand what he was saying, even after 8 times in a row of listening I think I got around 2% of his lyrics. Not that they are needed because the sound of the songs is enough. There’s a lot of energy in the songs, the vocals (though near impossible to understand) are well balanced with the beats being played, Tony Tataje has a good sense of when to scream, when to yell, and when to make himself understood and when to just grunt out something that might be a word. For an album I don’t know what it’s about or what the lyrics are, I did enjoy the overall sound.


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